Mini Class Access Instructions

Thank you for joining the simplify 101 mini class How to Create a Command Central Binder. Before we get started, please review these important points:

  • Your access to the mini class will last for six months from the time you sign up.
  • Over the first two weeks, you’ll receive a series of emails from simplify 101 to help you work your way through your binder project. Within these emails you will receive a special offer, so keep your eyes open for that. 🙂 You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time using a link provided near the bottom of each email.

Here’s how to activate and access your class:

  1. If this will be your first class with us, please create an account in our online class system (using the same email address that you provided during sign up.) If you already have an online class account, you can skip this step.
  2. Once you create your online class account, login to the system using the username and password that you selected when creating your account.
  3. You will now be on your “my classes” page. Near the bottom of this page there will be a link that reads “Don’t See Your Class Listed Above? Click here.” Please click this link and then enter your personal activation code in the box provided and click the “submit” button. Your activation code is: CCB7317 (This step is required only one time.)
  4. If your activation code has been entered correctly, the system will indicate this and you will be provided a link back to your “my classes” page. Once on this page, there will now be a link for your class named Create a Command Central Binder (mini class). Simply click this link to enter the class. You will no longer need your activation code. Your class link will remain available until your access expires.
  5. Once you enter the class, you will be taken to your “my checklist” page, which is a list of tasks to help guide you through the class. All of your class materials can be found on this page as well.

That’s it—enjoy your class! For future visits, simply login to your “my workshops” page.