This is just a quick follow up post about the new p-touch labeler to answer most of the questions you asked in the comments.

Q.  Heather and Sherrie asked about where to buy it, and if Target will carry it…

A.  I’m not sure if Target will carry this particular labeler. I am working on getting a definitive answer on that. If I do I will update this info in the comments section on this post. In the meantime, here is a link to retailers authorized to sell Brother products.

Q.  Annie asked:  Can you print the labels in varied colors too? And Rachel wanted to know if there is clear tape available.

A.  Yes, to both questions. According to the side of the box, you can use several varities of P-touch label tape which includes black on white, black on yellow, white on black, black on clear, gold on black, black on red, red on white and white on clear. They also have tape with acid-free adhesives in black on clear and black on white.

Q.  Sherrie asked what sizes of the label tape is available.

A.  There are four width’s available:  9/64”, ¼”, 3/8” and ½”.

Q.  Ok this one wasn’t really a question, but more of a comment. But I wanted to comment on the comment. Lelah said:  I think that not having to key in the label by hand and instead just type it quickly is genius!

A.  I totally agree. It is much, much faster to type your labels into the computer than using the little key pad (that isn’t in keyboard order!) But, don’t put your old labeler under the car tires just yet. For most client jobs, I will continue to use my handheld labeler. I like the portability, and in many situations, bringing along my laptop to print labels isn’t practical, so the handheld option will work great!

Let me know if you have any other questions!