Can reading a book change your life? Yes. If you take the actions that the author suggests in the book. Simply reading and absorbing the information in an organizing book (or any other self-improvement book for that matter) will only change your outlook and knowledge on the topic. Without getting up out of your chair and taking action on what you just read…your home won’t be any more organized.

In the next couple of posts I plan to share some of my favorite organizing books. If you’re looking to get more organized and you love to do-it-yourself, books are an excellent tool in your organizers tool bag, especially if you’re self motivated. In other words, books work really well if you can get yourself up off that chair and start taking action!It's All Too Much

Today I’ll share one of my very favorite organizing books, It’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff by Peter Walsh.

The reason this book ranks at the top of my list is because it is so inspiring. You literally want to jump up out of your seat and start eliminating the clutter now! And you want to really dig deep into the depths of that clutter and just let it all go. Peter also provides excellent advice for navigating through the organizing process with a loved-one. If you share your home with someone who has a different tolerance level for clutter than you do, Peter offers excellent advice on how to broach this subject with your loved-one and make progress together.

If you’re looking for a book to kick-start your organizing efforts and motivate you to really declutter your home, give It’s All Too Much a try. It’s an enjoyable read in and of itself, but even more so if you can imagine Peter is speaking to you in his oh-so wonderful Australian accent. 😉

What’s your favorite organizing book? How did it change your life or your approach to organizing? I’d love to hear.