Yep, it’s Friday again, which means Finish It Friday is here once again! My list is going to super short at the moment, because I really haven’t thought about the weekend yet! I will add to it as the day goes on, but wanted to give you a chance to share your lists early(ish) in the day.
Here’s what’s on my list so far:
Play List:
- Tae Kwon Do belt test. (My daughter is going for her red belt! This means no boot camp, which is fine. I wouldn’t miss the belt test for the world.)
- Do something fun and relaxing with my family. (TBD.)
To Finish:
- Pull out hats, gloves and scarves, and put them into their winter storage locations. (It’s getting colder here!)
- Laundry.
- Plan Meals.
- Clean.
Okay…I’ll add more later! Gotta’ run for now. Can’t wait to see your lists! Have a great weekend.
I love Finish it Friday ~ it’s part of the end of week routine, along with buying lottery tickets and tidying house.
on my to do list this weekend:
* submit gas meter readings and finish transferring accounts
* sort out bedrooms ready for professional carpet clean next week
* pay bills
* find a 40th birthday gift for a good friend
* start to write thank you notes from Aurelia
and fun things:
* watch movie with DH
* get out in the autumn air and capture the light at this time of year
Trying to get a lot done today so I can spend the weekend relaxing with my family. Best wishes to Kailea on her belt test!
*My husband will be home from a week-long business trip 🙂
*Family pizza & movie night on Friday
*Soccer on Saturday
*Hang out with husband & kids on Saturday night
*Catch up on photography class
*Catch up on Routines class
*Lesson plans
*Amazon order
*Clear tickler file
*Vacuum/tidy house before husband arrives
*menus & grocery list for next 2 weeks
*Monthly bookkeeping – current (30 min)
*Monthly bookkeeping – backlog (1 hr)
*Discuss Halloween plans with my daughter
*Make master to-do list for Thanksgiving & discuss with husband
*Clean out purse
Hi! Well I’m going to have a short list this weekend. Pack for vacation and have a week of fun. See you in two weeks. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Good Luck to Kailea on her red belt test. I’ll be in full holiday mode when I get home.
This weekend will be a focus weekend! Even though I have a short list it’s time consuming.
Try and catch up on the DVR
To Do:
Online Discussion
Work on Studio project
Work on Sunday
Aby ~ Best of luck to your daughter on her red belt test!
Clean bathrooms
Laundry – washed, folded + put away!
Sweep + mop kitchen
Clean kitchen
Update family calendar
Shredding documents
Family movie night
Soccer Saturday
Reading – on my own + with the kids
Sunday am run
Bake cookies
Last minute details on Halloween costumes
Another crazy busy weekend..
1. Son’s 2 baseball games
2. Photo shoot of my new great-niece
3. Photo shoot with my other niece’s family
4. Nephew’s football game
5. Stop by to cheer my daughter on she’s doing a 5k and of course take some photos
5. More class work for the Photo Organization class I’m taking
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…)
2. Laundry
3. Food Shopping
4. Yard work (mowing, raking, hedge trimming and cleaning out the shed )
5. Finish the latest batch of scanning for my sister
Phew hope I survive!
Have a wonderful, successful weekend everyone!
Thanks everyone for your good wishes to Kailea! I appreciate it! 🙂
I was so busy today. I wish I had time to do finish it Friday;s.
If I did have time today I would have:
1. Cleaned the bathroom.
2. Organized my room.
3. Finish getting the 7 hours more of sleep that I need.
4. Fold Laundry
5. Get rid of live junk mail.
6. Pay bills
Let’s see if I can finish my list this weekend!
Play List:
1. Dinner and games with friends.
2. Watch my daughter’s soccer game.
3. Walk with my neighbor.
To Finish:
1. Laundry.
2. Menu and shopping for the week.
3. Clean out medicine cabinet.
4. Clean up coat rack and shoe baskets – get out scarves, hats and gloves.
5. Finish painting dresser.
Card making class with a great friend
Make macaroni salad
Work on sons room
Boy scout bbq
Write up menu
Write up grocery list
Grocery shop
Sunday school open house
Continue on sons room
File paperwork
Review next week in planner
Help my mother-in-law by installing a canvas laundry basket in the inside of her wicker hamper with cup holder hooks. She is having issues getting to the bottom of her basket.
Do laundry.
Help daughter with research for her project.
Relax. =)