Get organized NOW. Your future self will thank you!

For me, late September is like the calm before the storm. The kids are back in school and we are settling into our school year routine. It feels like there’s just a little bit of breathing room, a chance to catch my breath before the busy season which is just around the corner – Halloween, birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If this sounds familiar, take stock of what you can do now to make the upcoming seasons easier. Here are some ideas…

  • Stock the freezer with meals or baked goods.
  • Clean out closets to create space for incoming items like fall clothes or holiday gifts.
  • Schedule appointments for carpet cleaning, window cleaning, haircuts, or any other services you plan to use before the holidays.
  • Think about the biggest sources of stress for you in the season ahead. Then, brainstorm steps you can take now to make things easier on yourself.

Checking a few things off your future to-do list now is like sending your future self a little gift. I promise you, she’ll thank you later.

What tasks do you like to do ahead of time to take stress out of the holiday season? Or are you simply grateful for the reminder? Tell me about it in the comments!
