oh … not the phone. Luckily I found the phone month’s ago. It’s even better.

I found this!

It’s the link to the Better Homes and Gardens planner article I told you about here. It is in the February 2007 Better Homes and Gardens and it’s called “Calendar Girls.” Hope you enjoy!

Speaking of enjoying, did you enjoy your weekend? And did you have a terrific National Scrapbook Day? Hope it was terrific! Cropping for Newborns was fantastic! Melanie did such a great job putting together the event and it was such an honor to be a part of it. And I met Aleeta from For Keeps Sake … a scrapbook super store in St. Louis. Will have to partake in some serious shopping next time on the St. Louis “side of the river” as we say around here.

While in the “big city” I decided to hit two of my favorite shopping spots…the newly opened Container Store was my first stop. (Yep, I was a kid in a candy store … and I bought nothing. Are you proud? Serious will power.)

Then I headed to Trader Joe’s where as Collin says, we spend more than an inexpensive tube T.V. every time we go. (He’s … uh … kind of into electronics.) I stocked up on all of my favorite-can’t-live-with-out-healthy foods and got some fresh Gerbera Daisy’s, too. Love that place. I have been to three Trader Joe’s in St. Louis. I go to one every time I’m in St. Louis…whichever one is closest to the client or other airport or other St. Louis destination of the day. And I have to tell you … what a great business. The people that work there are the best. No matter which store I go to, I always end up having a delightful conversation with someone that works there … either at check out, or while I’m shopping. I just love that place. (Did I mention that?) I’m so keeping my fingers crossed that one day Trader Joe’s will come to my town.  But in the meantime …I just have to continue to look for excuses to cross the river!

And the weather here this weekend was simply divine…I just love spring! Finally got the car washed today (yippee!) Who knows what’s next on my organizing hit list, but you can bet you’ll be the first to know. Ha ha …

What’s on your organizing to-do list? Maybe you can inspire my next great act 😉 of spring organizing…