I got an email from Jen who is downsizing her home office. She works from home in a small home office but is going to now give it up so her daughters can each have their own bedroom. (What a nice Mom, wouldn’t you agree?) She’s going to be moving her office into her bedroom, and will be buying new bedroom and office furniture. She loves Pottery Barn but is looking for more affordable alternatives.

Do you have any ideas on furniture sources for Jen? I suggested J.C. Penny — they have some Pottery Barn style furniture and www.computerdesks.com has some nifty computer armoires. And then there’s always IKEA – which isn’t exactly Pottery Barn but boy it sure can stretch your decorating dollar. Know what I mean?

I haven’t been out shopping for bedroom furniture lately (heaven knows I need to, but that’s a whole different story.) So I thought I’d see if you have any ideas for Jen.

Thanks for your help! Can’t wait to see what resources you can introduce to Jen (and me!)