Woohoo – it’s Friday! Do you have a fun weekend planned? Can’t wait to hear what’s on your Play List and To Finish List. If you’re new to my blog, every Friday I do a Finish It Friday blog post. The idea is simple: share your weekend to-do list in the comments and then check back here on Monday to let us know about your weekend. Be sure to include at least one fun thing on your list, or create a “play list,” as I like to call it. You will be amazed at the extra motivation you’ll get by going public with your to-do list. It really is the ultimate in living the “more fun, more done” philosophy. So don’t be shy. Join the fun this week! We’d love to have you join us! Here are my lists:
Play List:
- Boot camp.
- Christmas party.
- Knit.
To Finish:
- Finish scarf. Maybe…hopefully. Could be tough but I am going to try.
- Shop for out of town family members.
- Ship gifts for my brother’s family. They are purchased and wrapped; they just need to be packed and shipped.
- Buy ingredients for Christmas party appetizer.
- Coordinate Christmas Eve dinner.
- Wrap Kailea’s birthday gifts. (Her actual birthday is on Sunday / party was a week early.)
- Bake Kailea a birthday cake.
- Plan meals for Christmas day.
- Talk to family about holiday baking.
- Figure out Plan B for hot chocolate. (If you know of any great hot chocolate dry mix recipes, I would love to hear it! Thank you.)
- Laundry.
- Clean house.
Okay…I think this is officially my longest list Finish It Friday list ever! My motivation needs to kick into overdrive and I may need to find a few little Elves to help me! Wish me luck by joining in the fun and sharing your to-do list in the comments. Thank you and have a terrific weekend!
Wow you do have a busy weekend plan. Put on some Christmas music and it will get you moving.
Crafting – Work on mini album
Shopping for coat for myself if I feel better
To Do:
Pay bills
Decide dish for 50th birthday party next weekend
I’ve been sick all week so I’m not planning a lot for the weekend. Hubby cleaned the entire house except for dusting for me last night so that leaves the weekend open since he won’t be home tomorrow. Have a productive and great weekend!
I hope you’re feeling better soon Dottie! Sorry you haven’t been feeling well. Enjoy your weekend…and your clean house.
~ Aby
It’s the time of year for long lists, isn’t it Aby? I hope your elves are as helpful as mine always are
*4H Party
*Shopping with Mom
*Family pizza/movie night
*Finish prep for party – bake cookies, make dip, wrap gift, gather party supplies & meeting info
*Make caramel corn
*Make list of gifts left to buy
*Get food gifts ready for DH to take to work
*Finish photo collage
*Get started (maybe even finish???) addressing Christmas cards
*Change sheets
*Lesson plans
*Catch up in Organized Holiday forum
*Spend at least 15 min decluttering my “stash bin”
*Make progress on bookkeeping (1 hr)
*Get organized for the very busy week ahead
Definitely a week for VERY long lists… so many things almost but not quite done…
1. Photographing a wedding saturday and although it will take up most of my day I do so love it
2. Finish up the Christmas decorating (almost done)
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…)
2. Laundry
3. Food Shopping
4. Finish up two Christmas gifts
5. Review shopping list and make a plan for the final push to get it done
6. Prepare for the coming week which i going to be a bear.. concerts, rehearsels, more concerts.. every night next week is booked
Have a productive weekend everyone…
I have been MIA for the past 2 weeks. Busy and I’ve forgotten to post and even fill out my Finish it Friday List!
-Finish up Christmas shopping
-Baby shower on Saturday
To Do:
-Work Saturday and Sunday
-Start writing a paper that’s due Tuesday
-Start studying for a final that is also Tuesday
My list looks short but this paper is a killer! Also, work takes up my evenings/nights this weekend. Hope you all have fun and productive weekends!
Here’s a great hot chocolate mix I’ve been using for years:
1 pound of Nestle’s Quick powder (3 cups + 2 Tbsp)
4 1-Quart envelopes Sanalac Powdered Milk
6 ounces powdered CoffeeMate (1 3/4 cups)
1 cup powdered sugar
Mix all ingredients together; put in airtight storage container. Use 1/3 cup mix per mug and reconstitute with hot/boiling water.
When my kids were little, they’d use hot water straight from the tap, but the grownups use boiling water.
If I remember correctly, Sanalac can be found with the powdered milk/condensed milk/evaporated milk. Any powdered milk would probably do, but I think Sanalac has the best taste.
My favorite hot chocolate recipe is here: http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Mexican-Mocha-Mix. You could easily leave out the coffee if you want just a hot chocolate. The addition of the cinnamon is wonderful. I’ve made this as Christmas gifts for several years!
Good luck with your to-do lists everyone! And thanks so much for the hot chocolate recipes!! I really appreciate it!