Woohoo – it’s Friday! Do you have a fun weekend planned? Can’t wait to hear what’s on your Play List and To Finish List. If you’re new to my blog, every Friday I do a Finish It Friday blog post. The idea is simple:  share your weekend to-do list in the comments and then check back here on Monday to let us know about your weekend. Be sure to include at least one fun thing on your list, or create a “play list,” as I like to call it. You will be amazed at the extra motivation you’ll get by going public with your to-do list. It really is the ultimate in living the “more fun, more done” philosophy. So don’t be shy. Join the fun this week! We’d love to have you join us! Here are my lists:

simplify 101 checklistPlay List:

  • Boot camp.
  • Christmas party.
  • Knit.

To Finish:

  • Finish scarf. Maybe…hopefully. Could be tough but I am going to try.
  • Shop for out of town family members.
  • Ship gifts for my brother’s family. They are purchased and wrapped; they just need to be packed and shipped.
  • Buy ingredients for Christmas party appetizer.
  • Coordinate Christmas Eve dinner.
  • Wrap Kailea’s birthday gifts. (Her actual birthday is on Sunday / party was a week early.)
  • Bake Kailea a birthday cake.
  • Plan meals for Christmas day.
  • Talk to family about holiday baking.
  • Figure out Plan B for hot chocolate. (If you know of any great hot chocolate dry mix recipes, I would love to hear it! Thank you.)
  • Laundry.
  • Clean house.

Okay…I think this is officially my longest list Finish It Friday list ever! My motivation needs to kick into overdrive and I may need to find a few little Elves to help me! Wish me luck by joining in the fun and sharing your to-do list in the comments. Thank you and have a terrific weekend!
