“Mommy, this organized game cabinet is really nice.”

Ahh … I just love that. I recently reorganized the game cabinet after the Christmas in flow onslaught of *stuff*. Just part of the gradual reclaiming of the home after the holidays. Do you do that, too? It’s so funny how when the Christmas tree goes up I’m so happy about it. Just love it. But by the end of it’s stay I feel like I can’t breathe anywhere in my house. Between the new gifts to find homes for and the Christmas decorations … it’s just so full. The house feels unpleasantly full. I crave emptiness. So I start this ongoing room by room, very gradual reorganizing effort. A drawer here. A game cabinet there. So … it’s just so nice that one eight year old boy noticed … made me happy.

He has a cold. I have a love-hate relationship with kid’s colds. My boy is so dang sweet when he’s sick … so I love that. But I totally hate that he’s miserable. Just love that he’s so affectionate and more willing to play some of the board games that don’t involve running, screaming and other random acts of energy that are counter productive just before bed time. And that he notices things like organized game cabinets.

Speaking of simplifying after the holidays … this year I decided to really streamline the decor in my great room. Brought back out just a few decorations … and tried to keep things white. This all white theme was inspired by this headline in Cottage Living:  “Whiten Up! Discover the serenity of all-white rooms.” From claustrophobia to serenity …that’s what I was after. So in lieu of the normal decor in that room … I scoured my house for white stuff … white candles, white plates, more white candles … if it was white it was coming out of hiding. I was a women on a mission. Serenity the final destination. It worked … more breathing room and it feels so good. Still. Nearly a month later.

It’s just so fun to change the way rooms look from season to season … don’t you think? In my perfect world I’d have a cabinet filled with seasonal items to bring out as I choose or need a change or more breathing room. Do you do that, too? If so, what are some of your favorite decorating ideas for the different seasons … ones like the use-what-you-have-so-there-are-white-candles-everywhere scenario? Since the seasonal cabinet is in my perfect world and not my real world, I’d love to hear your fun, use-what-you-have seasonal decor ideas … for any season. Yes … that’d be fun. Got any ideas to share?