Just to wrap up (for now anyway) the series of blog posts on books, I wanted to mention one more book that I came across recently:  The Experts’ Guide to Doing Things Faster: 100 Ways to Make Life More Efficient.

Experts' Guide to Doing Things Faster

I became aware of this book because my friend, professional organizer John Trosko, is featured in the book. His section is on how to organize your closet…and of course, do so faster. I love John’s tips—things such as organizing your closet on a continual basis and doing so in small time segments. These are principals I share with clients and in my workshops—organizing is a process not an event, though so often we feel as if we need to clear our calendar just to organize our closet! John also shares a simple process for purging your clothes and he suggests adding labels to your closet—you know I love that!

I love the format of this book, too. It’s delivers 100 ideas for making life more efficient, all delivered in short, bite-sized chapters. John’s section on closet organizing just scratches the surface on what’s packed in this little book. Among the 99 other ideas are tips on how to choose an outfit from Stacy London, how to unleash your creativity, and how to quickly get in shape from Gunnar Peterson. For a quick, informative and fun read that will help you make key areas of your life more efficient, check out “The Experts Guide to Doing Things Faster.”