I’m so happy it’s summer! How about you? I thought it’d be fun to share a (very) random list of what I’m enjoying and looking forward to this summer. And then … see what you’re up to this summer. Leave me a comment with your plans for summer fun.

Here’s mine:

The circus. An annual tradition. The kids love this circus. This one is a small, old-style circus under the big top. And what ‘s up with people riding a bicycle on a tightrope? That’s not right. And even more alarming: two trapeze riding cyclists with a lady lady sitting on a chair on a tight rope pole thingy that is between their two shoulders. (For obvious reasons … no cameras allowed in the big top tent.) But hellooo. That’s simply nuts. As Kailea said (in her most contemplative six year old voice) it was the most impressive act of all. It’s a great show. Super fun. So … if you happen to be in St. Louis or Nantucket this summer … you should check it out.

Eating dinner on the deck…practically every single night. Love that!

Grilling…shrimp, chicken, burgers, veggies. Yum. (Except the gritty grilled Zucchini. Not sure what happened there.)

Crafting on the deck by candlelight … super fun but a bit hard to see. 😉

Catching fire flies.

Going to the pool. (And I’m not even going to tell you about the 30% off pool stuff I got at Target earlier this week. Nope. Not even going to mention it.)

Going to the Cardinal’s game this Monday! Go Cards!

Going to my little baseball player’s games on Friday nights and Saturdays.

Running in this race on Saturday. Great cause. Love being in places where everyone is working together towards a common goal. LOVE it. First time to run in the race. I can’t wait!

Scrapbooking. Finishing up a mini-album for Jay for our ten year anniversary inpsired by this great special issue.


Album shortcuts

Going on vacation … a real vacation with my Mom to Washington. Super excited about this. Just me and my Mom and we’re meeting up with my sister and her hubby for a part of the trip. So … if you know of any Seattle shopping hot spots, let me know. I’m looking for some places with fun, vintage stuff. Home decor types of things. Vintage containers. Any ideas?

Flip flops and cotton skirts.

Organizing my closet. I think I purged a bit too deep last Friday night. Very rewarding to send nine bags of clothes to Good Will. But now, what to wear? Getting rid of stuff is never the problem. It’s figuring out what to put in it! Hoping this blog will help me. Anyone know any good books or magazines on building a real-world wardrobe? (Like, stuff that normal people with normal lives and normal bodies wear?) Of the hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of magazines in my home…I don’t think there’s a single one on fashion. So…any advice? I’m placing an Amazon order today … will await your fashion book advice!

Ice-cream cones. No need to say more.

Summer CHA…are you going?

Organized and Inspired ScrapbookerAnd last but not least … this new book will be out by the end of the summer! I’m about to pop with excitement!

I hope you’re having a great summer, too! Remember to share with me … what’s on your summer to-enjoy list? (And don’t forget the fashion book advice!)