5 Simple Organizing Projects You Can Do Now

Around here, fall is in the air today. If the same holds true for you, this means soon we’ll be spending even more time inside our homes. If your home isn’t as organized as you’d like it to be, here are five quick organizing tips you can put into practice now to get started getting organized.

Let go of some easy clutter.

If you’re overwhelmed by the current state of your home, first take a deep breath and tell yourself it’s okay. Because, really, it is! We’ve all been there. We’ve all had times when our homes are outside of our comfort zones. So don’t beat yourself up one second longer. Instead, turn your attention to taking action.

A terrific first step when you’re feeling overwhelmed is to do some easy decluttering. Sound like an oxymoron? Let me explain. Easy clutter is stuff that’s easy to let go of, at least in comparison to other items in your home. If you love shoes, shoes aren’t your easy clutter. But maybe plastic drinking cups, old magazines, or your kid’s out-grown clothing is easy clutter for you. The key is to pick an area where you feel the decision to donate or pitch would be an easy one to make. Then, set a timer for 15 minutes and focus on making progress. Collect items into a trash bag or donation box and feel your overwhelmed feelings shift to energy and momentum!

Organize a drawer.

A drawer is a terrific project to tackle when you’re just getting into the swing of organizing. It’s a small, isolated project that you can complete in a short amount of time. As before, start with an easy drawer first, like your silverware drawer or your smallest, skinniest desk drawer. Then move onto the utensil drawer or junk drawer, where you might need to do more decluttering and make more decisions. Use drawer organizers or small plastic bowls to add an extra level of order to your drawer organizing projects.

5 Simple Organizing Projects

Declutter the medicine cabinet.

September 27, 2014 from 10 AM to 2 PM is the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, making now a great time to sort through your medicine cabinet. Set aside (and store in a safe location until Take-Back Day) expired prescription drugs as well as any medications leftover from a previous illness. (You can visit this website to find a take-back location near you.) As you declutter your medicine cabinet, make a list of medicines you might need to purchase so you’re prepared for cold and flu season.

organizing Rx medicines

Declutter your food pantry or cupboard.

With the holidays just around the corner, now is a great time to create some order in your cupboard! Go through your pantry or food cabinet and pitch any expired food. If you find food items that aren’t yet expired but no longer fit your family’s eating preferences, consider donating these items to a local food pantry. You’ll appreciate the extra order and space when the holidays roll around.

Organize the coat closet.

This is the biggest project on our list, but with the others under your belt you’ll have the motivation and confidence to tackle this one! Start by decluttering coats and jackets that no longer fit. Then, move onto decluttering orphaned gloves and mittens, as well as excess hats and scarves. Consider adding storage solutions such as an over the door shoe organizer to store hats and gloves. They’ll be in reach of your kiddos, making it easier for them to help themselves. As with the medicine cabinet, as you declutter and organize, make a list of items you need to replace for yourself or your family members.

Ahhh…that feels better, doesn’t it?

Happy organizing!
