Good news! It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to get organized and inspired for scrapbooking! With an investment of something you already have—your creativity, plus a little bit of time, getting organized for scrapbooking can cost a lot less than you might think. Below are three ideas to get your creative organizing juices flowing.

Edit Your Supplies

Cost = Free!

The first step in any organizing project is to edit your belongings. Getting organized for scrapbooking is just the same. Why spend time and money storing supplies you’ll never use? Instead, take the time up-front to pare down to just those products that inspire you and those you’ll love using on your scrapbook projects.

LabelingEmbellish and Label Using Your Favorite Supplies

Cost = Free

Remember when ribbon became all the rage in scrapbooking and you…uh…over-indulged? Think of it as having brilliant foresight. Tie tags to baskets, buckets or jars using some of that ribbon stash. Or use letter stickers or rub-on letters to label your containers directly.

Invest in Customized Solutions Where it Matters

General Budget Stretcher

Let’s face it—some of the items in your scrapbook space are easier to store than others. Once you’ve exhausted your options of low-cost storage solutions, invest in storage that will help you effectively store your harder-to-store items. Custom storage for items like 12” x 12” cardstock and other specialty items is worth the investment if it makes it easier to use and access your supplies going forward.

Then, come back here and share your favorite budget-stretching tips for getting organized (& inspired!) for scrapbooking. I can’t wait to hear your ideas!