Hi again. It’s me. Off my soap box to bring you one of my all time favorite Dollar Spot finds: galvanized buckets. (For just one dollar!)

Summer gear

Do I love it? Check! (I’ve got a weird thing for buckets.) Do I need it? Uh …let me get back to you on that one… Will I use it? I can’t think of a use for it right now…and I can’t decide if I NEED it…and so I walk away. (The first time anyway.) And that darn little bucket kept stalking me. I got home and instantly thought of at least three different things I could use my bucket for…and geez, what was I thinking not stocking up on these for my clients? They’re only a dollar, well made, useful and oh-my-gosh Target’s probably selling out of them right now because they always sell out of galvanized goodies quickly…and so back to Target I go. 13 buckets land happily in my cart…3 for me and 10 go in the stash for my clients. So far these little lovelies have been used to corral:

  • Sunscreen and bug spray on my laundry room shelf.
  • Little bitty stuffed animals in a client’s play room (so cute!)
  • An assortment of small children’s books (in same play room)
  • Bath essentials like bubble bath, mesh sponges, and rolled wash cloths.

Bath supplies

You could also use these little cuties to store stamps, paint brushes, punches, chipboard, and so on in your scrap space. And at a buck a bucket, it’s a true bargain! Happy shopping…just remember the three magic questions 😉