What is an e-book?

An e-book is an electronic book, a book where the content is delivered to you in electronic format. The e-books created by simplify 101 are delivered as Adobe® PDF files. To open and read the e-book simply requires Adobe Reader, a free program available by clicking here.

E-books allow for instant access to the book’s contents. You don’t have to wait or pay for shipping or even leave the comfort of your home to get an e-book. Just a few clicks of the mouse and you’re ready to read! When you purchase an e-book from simplify 101, immediately after your payment, you will be taken to a web page with the download link for your e-book. What does all this mean? Well, within minutes of purchasing your e-book you’ll have it right there on your computer screen!

But wait. I know what you’re thinking. “How can I curl up with this good book, if I have to read it on my computer?” Well, when you purchase an e-book from simplify 101, you get to print one copy of the book for your own use! So, you get the best of both worlds: the technology and instant gratification of an e-book, and the ability to curl up with a printed copy if you prefer.

Okay, you’re wondering about the technology advantages of an e-book? Well, first there’s that instant gratification I just told you about—and who doesn’t love instant gratification? Beyond that, e-books make it super easy to get your hands on information you need within the book. E-books contain hyperlinks, which allow you to breeze from one topic to another, simply by clicking on the link. Following these links makes it a snap to read the book in whichever order makes sense to you, or to refer back to topics after your initial read-through of the contents. You may even choose to read a printed copy of the e-book and then go back to the electronic version to learn more about a topic or look something up via a hyperlink. The bottom line: with an e-book the choice is yours.

Another consideration is an e-workbook. Have you ever gotten a beautiful new book with worksheets in it, but just couldn’t bear to write in the book? I know—I’ve been there too! You think They want me to write in this beautiful book in MY handwriting? But what if I make a mistake? Oh, I’m just not ready to commit. Let me think about my answer just a little bit longer.. Before you know it, you haven’t used the workbook at all. (Seriously—do you own at least one book with worksheets you haven’t used? It’s okay—I’ve got my fair share too.)

E-workbooks solve these problems, plus take away the awkwardness of scrunching up your hand to write in a thick, bound book. When you purchase an e-workbook from simplify 101, you have our permission to reprint worksheets and quizzes for your own personal use, whenever you want. Say goodbye to the pressure of figuring it all out before you put pen to paper! Take your time. Jot down your thoughts. And, if over time your plans change, simply print fresh copies of the worksheets and start a new.

So the bottom line is this: e-books give you the best of both worlds. As a reader of The Happy Scrapper shared with me, e-books are even “tub-proof.” One avid reader dropped a few pages of her e-book into the bathtub. No problem, she just printed out a new copy. Try doing that with a printed book!