After starting a second round of bucket frenzy, I got a few requests for ideas on using these fine (and fun) vessels. So, I thought I’d make my very own “bucket list”. 😉 This (scarily enough when you see the list) is how I am at this very moment, in my home, using buckets to organize stuff. Ready? OK, here’s my bucket list:

Kid’s art supplies

This handy little bucket usually sits on a shelf of the work desk in my office / scrapbook room (and can be seen on page 95 of my book, making this my most famous bucket.)


And here are some less famous crafting buckets:

Craft buckets

Bath supplies

Bath gear

Cleaning supplies

The cleaning supplies bucket is way up on the top right corner of the photo. This was my very first bucket, by the way, because I know you are wondering how this bucket-frenzy started. I bought this lovely, yellow bucket from Martha Stewart way back when she used to sell things through her magazine (like before the era of on-line shopping. Yep…this bucket issue of mine runs long and deep.) This yellow beauty was a ridiculous splurge…like $30 or more (before shipping…and that rascal is heavy.) But it just goes to show…when you buy something you really, really love…you’ll love it for a very long time. (It might show some other things, too, but lets not go there right now. It’s late.)

Cleaning supplies

Remote controls and video game controllers

(Bucket below is from Good Pails to Have.)

Bucket of remotes


For lighting candles, not cigarettes…just in case you were wondering.

Bucket of matches

Note pads

Note pads

Craft punches

Craft punches

Kitchen stuff

Like snacks and seasoning mix envelopes.

Kitchen stuff

Score-keeping supplies

(in the game cabinet.)

Game cabinet

Cough drops


Pens and pencils

I also have a little bucket of pens and pencils that sits on top of the fridge. I’m guessing at this point…you can use your imagination on what that looks like.

Comings and goings bucket

This bucket sits on a shelf right by the back door. It holds things we might want to grab on our way out…like sunscreen and sunglasses in the summer (when the sun actually shines around here.) Right now, it’s loaded up with hand-sanitizer and tissues.

Summer gear

OK…I have to stop hunting for buckets around my house now. I’m starting to think I have a sickness. 😉