Happy Monday to you. I hope you had a really nice weekend. Ours wasn’t normal for Thanksgiving weekend…but it was okay, kind of quiet and slow. I didn’t mention this on Friday (it seems I was in a hurry because I didn’t even mention laundry or meal planning on my to-do list!) but Kailea woke up Thanksgiving morning with a really high fever. She didn’t feel well all weekend…which kind of changed up the normal rhythm of Thanksgiving weekend….no holiday decorating, no birthday planning, etc. Thankfully she is doing better now…and I’m not at all concerned that the other stuff didn’t get done. I’m very relaxed about the holidays this year. It’ll get done in time. 🙂

So here’s how the rest of the weekend turned out.


  • Run. I ran 4 miles on Saturday and 6.4 miles on Sunday. Sunday’s run helped me achieve two goals. The first goal was to run a 10K in 2012. Originally, I had intended to run in an organized 10K…but as you know this year didn’t exactly go as planned. So, instead, I decided to run my own little 10K yesterday. The spirit of the goal was to be able to run that distance without stopping…and so that is done! Feels good. This run also put me at 100 miles total for October and November…which checks a second goal off the list. (Now…I need to figure out a goal for December.)
  • Knit. Check!


  • Black Friday shopping online. Check!
  • Holiday planning. The main thing I wanted to figure out this weekend was Kailea’s birthday plans. To give you an idea as to how bad she felt—she didn’t even want to talk about her birthday. Poor kid. (To say it was a quiet weekend is an understatement.) So…we’ll figure out what she wants to do for her birthday this week.
  • Work on a simplify 101 project. Check! Lots more than four hours. 🙂
  • Clean house. Check! (This is an add-on, but I want credit.)
  • Laundry. Check! (Ditto.)
  • Plan meals for the week. Check! (Ditto!)

How was your weekend? Hope it was great. 🙂

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