Happy Monday my friends! How was your weekend? I hope it was filled with lots of fun and some getting things done. Mine was a nice mix. Here’s the update:


  • Run. My goal was 6-1/2 miles for the weekend…but I ran 8! Hooray.
  • Girls Night In and Wine Night. Check! Both were lots of fun and relaxing, too. Just right.
  • Knit. Check!
  • Take photos for 30 Days of Gratitude. Not yet. On the list for this week.


  • Baby Shower. Check!
  • Pick up bagels for baby shower. Check!
  • Wrap a birthday gift. Kailea wanted to do this. So that was an easy check! 🙂
  • Plan weekly meals and shop. Check!
  • Laundry. A check for progress.
  • Make progress on 28 day challenge. Check! This was the big one. After the baby shower (and before wine night) on Saturday I washed the windows inside and out. I love it when that is done.

It was a nice weekend. I hope your was, too. Let me know all about it in the comments.

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