Happy Monday! I hope you had a terrific weekend. Here’s how mine turned out:


  • Run. Check! Seven miles in total this weekend. I’m off to a good-for-me start.
  • Take photos for 30 days of gratitude. Check! And I did lots of thinking about the words. 🙂 Check back for the week 1 post on Thursday.


  • In-home organizing appointment. Check! It was a great closet organizing appointment.
  • Laundry. Check! Gosh, I did a lot of laundry this weekend. It felt like there was a load in process all day on Sunday!
  • Plan meals + grocery shop. No check. Tonight is the night. 🙂
  • Make progress on 28 day challenge. A really little check. I put away my very minimal Halloween decorations…which took less than five minutes. 🙂 But hey, every step forward is a step forward.
  • Do some paperwork. Check. I spent quite a bit of time doing paperwork and planning the week ahead yesterday afternoon and evening. Nice way to start the week, with the planning already done. Yay!

How was your weekend?

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