Happy Friday my friends. I hope you had a terrific week. It was a good week here. I feel like I got a bunch of stuff done, both at work and at home, which feels good. And now I’m looking forward to the weekend ahead. Here’s what’s on my lists this weekend.
- Spend Time with Kailea. We will either be driving up to Normal, IL for the State Cross Country meet to cheer on her teammates, or we will be going to watch a black belt test at her Tae Kwon Do school. Or we may try to do a bit of both—depends on the weather forecast and start time of the belt test. Either way, I’m looking forward to spending a good part of Saturday with my girl.
- Run 3 Miles. Okay…so I mentioned in my Monday check in that I was falling behind on my 43 miles in October goal. Well…I’ve made good progress this week, logging in over 9 miles so far. If I run at least 3 miles on Saturday or Sunday, then I will once again feel like this goal is in reach. Whew.
- Laundry. As always, right?
- Plan weekly meals + grocery shop.
- Organize and edit cross country photos.
- Make progress on at least one current project. I have a bunch of options 😉 and will let inspiration be my guide.
- Send some cards. By the way, this week I finished the thank you notes that were on last weekend’s list. Yay!
I think it’s a plan. (Considering Saturday could be spoken for time-wise, I think this is plenty to do on Friday night and Sunday!)
What’s on your to-do list this weekend?
Have a terrific weekend!
Thirty One/Scensty Party Friday Night
To Do:
Grocery Shop
Clean House
I did a lot of little things Wednesday to get a jump start on the weekend. Since I’m not feeling 100% I think I just get done what I can, relax and rest this weekend. Hope everyone has a great and fun weekend.
Happy Friday! It’s my last weekend going into vacation and I feel like I have much to do. Having a busy week didn’t help because I was not able to accomplish much around the house. Oh well, it will get done one way or another before we leave on Tuesday am. 😉
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum upstairs
Change bed linens
Pack clothes
Check off to-do list items
Pay a couple of bills
Small grocery trip
Pizza + movie night – we are watching The Wizard of Oz tonight.
Soccer Saturday
Kids Night Out at the YMCA on Saturday so I can knock out some of my to-do list while the kids have fun!
Flag football on Sunday afternoon for my two sons
Come up with a plan to surprise my youngest two who don’t know we are going to Disneyland on Tuesday!
Hope you feel better soon Dottie!
Keri, I LOVE that last item on your to-do list! What fun!
Have a great weekend.
~ Aby
I so need this motivation right now!
1. Volunteer at Uplft with my kids:)
2. Run!
3. Pumpkin patc with the family!
1. Laundry
2. Sand dresser and pep for painting
3. Budget!!!!!!
4. Filing/organize office
Excited to tackle my list!
I’m “solo-(grand)parenting” for most of the weekend, so need to keep my goals realistic:
*Family movie/pizza night
*Watch son ref soccer games
*Project Life
*Project Real Life
*4H volunteer work on Saturday
*Keep plowing through bookkeeping backlog
*Lesson plans
*Prep for/teach Bible class
*Communion preparation
*Mail out directories for homeschool group
Scrapbooking (Project Life)
Get nails done (maybe?)
Clean bathroom
Dust and Vacuum living room
grocery shopping
Laundry (not till Monday, but I consider that part of my weekend)
Well my list this week included:
Go to Harvest Festival
See son march in parade
Go to three hour Cathecism class with boys (not sure which list this falls under)
Scrap something, anything!
To do:
Shop for food
Prep (many)meals from above shopping trip
Pay bills
Organize/clean desk area
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