If you’re creative, you likely approach problems — organizational or otherwise — with fresh enthusiasm, throwing all your creative energy and talents at the latest and greatest challenge! (And who could blame you? It’s fun to create new things, isn’t it?)
Often though, organizational solutions are right within reach, in another area of your home or life. This means that instead of reinventing the wheel, you can simply re-purpose it. Here’s how it works.
First, identify an organizational problem you’re currently facing. Then, go on a scavenger hunt in your home or office and look for solutions you’re using elsewhere that work great for you. See if you can adapt, or re-purpose, the working solution to solve your newest challenge.
Here’s an example. Many of you are using (and loving!) the simplify 101 home management binder to manage your household paperwork. But, maybe your office at work is covered with stacks of papers you want to keep out and in sight so you remember to do something with them. Instead of searching for a brand new solutions, re-purpose something that already works for you—the command central binder—by creating an office reference binder to house the papers you refer to regularly at work. (Poof! paper clutter at work is now a thing of the past, no new wheel needed!)
What organizational challenge are you facing right now? Is there away you can re-purpose a solution that’s working in another area of your home…to solve this current challenge?