Hello friends, and hello Friday. I hope you had a great week. Mine flew by, once again. Big projects and December aren’t a good mix! Add to that a sick boy (he has missed more school this week than in all the years up until now combined!) and, let’s just say, I feel like life is on overdrive right now. But…it’s time to regroup and look ahead to the weekend. Here’s what’s up for me:
- Boot camp.
- Neighborhood Christmas party.
- Pack and ship Christmas gifts.
- Plan meals and shop.
- Laundry. There’s always a lot…but when you have a sick person in the house, it just goes on and on and on!
- Work on simplify 101 project. More to do!
- Tie up loose ends for Christmas. I need to do a final check of the shopping list and a general sanity check to be sure I’ll be ready in time.
That’s the most important stuff. What’s on your list?
Have a great weekend!
hello Aby
Great to keep this going right now as things are getting crazy here too
more done…so much more to do…
1. christmas cards (still)
2. check off present list and think about last few items to get
3. plan meals for the coming three weeks and do a food order
4. take bags of things I’m regifting to the charity store
5. haircut
6. get hubby’s birthday gift organised…oops running out of time
7. make guest room ready for next week
8. clear ironing pile to make space
9. get christmas decorations out of storage and check if we have any non breakable items for the tree…and if not, go shopping for some (toddler in the house means glass baubles go in storage for a few years ~ sigh)
more fun…squeezing it all in somehow…
1. toddler theatre show for baby girl’s christmas treat
2. new mums group drinks
Well I have been sick for about 5 weeks. I’m just starting to feel better so I hope to get a few things done this weekend and get back in the game.
To Do:
Food Donation this weekend
Check Gift List
Wrap Presents
Bank / Library
Pay Bills
Pickup prescriptions
Clean House-Hubby has taken on this for me
Read – only read 3 books in 5 weeks so I have some catching up to do
If I can get those things done I’ll be in great shape for the holidays.
I’m sorry to hear that Collin is sick, Aby. I hope he’s on the mend soon.
My oldest son arrived home yesterday from school in North Carolina, so I feel like the celebrating can now begin 🙂
*Spend time enjoying my family, including holiday movies and family pizza night
*Continue knitting scarf for my future daughter-in-law
*Prepare & package gifts for my husband’s co-workers
*Make caramel corn & package for gifts
*Prepare for Bible class
*Clean up the mess in my bedroom that has accumulated during my holiday shopping
*Pay bills
*Bookkeeping (no backlog this time – yay! – I’m just trying to stay current)
*Start wrapping gifts
Happy Friday! Feel like I have much to do this final weekend before our Christmas company arrives.
*Laundry ~ All caught up, just need to stay current
*Clean bathrooms
*Change bed linens
*Clean kitchen, including the floors
*Clean/purge the guestroom of my daughter’s things. She seems to have annexed it!
*Purchase last few presents on my list
*Get teacher gifts ready to hand out on Tuesday
*Start wrapping presents 🙂
*Pay a couple of bills
*Celebrate my birthday weekend with dinner out with my husband
*Wrap birthday gifts + attend two parties with my youngest
*Kids Night Out at the YMCA on Saturday
*Reading – My current book is due Monday and I am less than 1/3 done!
*Holiday Baking
Seems like I have forgotten something but this will keep me plenty busy…..
Thanks for sharing your lists Keri, Lycia, Hannah and Dottie. Dottie, I’m sorry you’ve been so sick! I’ve been wondering where you were. Glad you’re better now!
*Cleaning (been slacking on that. Kept up on the clutter, but the cleaning has suffered)
*Finish Christmas shopping (Sooo close to being done… just a few more stocking stuffers to go!)
*Grocery shopping
*Wrap Christmas presents! (My favorite part!)
*Couple of movies my sister rented that I want to see.