Good news! We believe the problem that was interrupting access to our online workshop system last night and this morning has been resolved. If you tried to access your workshop in the last 24 hours and received an error message, we are very sorry for the inconvenience.
We have decided to extend my participation in our two currently running online workshops (Goals and Quick + Simple Clutter Control) by one week to make up for the lost time. You’ll have a bit of breathing room at the tail end of your workshop in hopes that it makes up for this rocky start.
By the way, the issue we experienced last night was not due to our website upgrade. Instead, our email system went down and took down other parts of our site with it – like the workshop system. We will be delaying our website upgrade until we are sure that the site is stable in an effort to minimize website outages for our paying customers. The soonest we will try the upgrade again will be early next week. We’ll keep you posted.
Jay and I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time of transition more than you know. We feel honored to be a part of such a supportive and kind community.
Thank you,
YAY! I’m glad it was resolved!
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