
How are you celebrating the fourth of July? I hope you’re having a great day. Are you going to see any fireworks? We’re headed to a local display in a neighboring town tonight. I like the small-town fireworks…smaller crowds, less waiting and you get to be closer to the action. I love it when I can sit right under the fireworks. No matter what size the show…it feels *huge* because you’re literally right in the middle of it all. I can’t wait! (Keeping my fingers crossed for great weather!)

I also love packing some fun things to pass the time before the fireworks start. Here’s my bag … packed and ready to go.

Basket inside


I LOVE this blanket from Crate and Barrel. Got it three years ago and it’s been on a zillion outings with us. One like it is on clearance now at C&B.


Because darn it, I live in a place ripe with pesky mosquitoes!


And some handy gear like a lighter, small citronella candle (to light sparklers), and small bucket with sand (to safely collect the hot ends of the sparklers.)

Light sticks

Just one buck for a whole lotta’ time passed. Do your kids love these things, too?


A perennial favorite of my daughter.

Simple Snacks

Peanuts; in the shell because they’re yummy and opening them up passes yet more time. Grabbed another one of my bucket buddies to corral the shells. Add a few Recess Pieces and some napkins, and we’re all set for a light snack before the show.

I’ll add some ice cold bottled water and we’ll be all set!

Heading to a BBQ now … taking coleslaw and this refreshing treat.

So…what are your must haves to take to the fireworks? And what’s your go-to favorite to take for BBQ’s and picnics? I always love a good recipe swap…so if you have a tasty favorite, please share! I’d love to hear from you!

Hope you have a terrific fourth!