If you’re like a lot of people I know, what I’m about to tell you isn’t going to be well received. But I’m going to chance it anyway because I’d really like you to have a happy, calm and relaxed holiday season. So here goes…

Now is a great time to start getting ready for the holidays.

If you dread the holiday season because it is hectic and frenzied, then you probably don’t want to start thinking about the holidays just yet. But, if you dread the holiday season because it is hectic and frenzied, then getting started now is a great idea for you. Here’s why: The more time you have to chip away at a big project like the holidays, the less impact that project will have on your daily life. If you start now, you can do a little bit every week, and enjoy the season that much more. Here’s how to do it.

organize holiday cardsStart by making a list of the things you want and need to do for the season such as sprucing up your home, shopping for gifts and holiday clothes, decorating, baking, sending cards, and so on. Then, assign tasks to the weeks ahead. By spreading out the tasks over the next eight weeks, you’ll eliminate the stress and frenzy you’ve experienced in past years.

The people who have created a plan in my Get Organized for the Holidays eBook and followed it, have enjoyed the holiday season much more than in prior years. They’ve been more relaxed and more focused on the real meaning of the season. So if you’re tired of the frenzy, create a simple plan. Wait until Friday when Halloween is over, if that makes you feel better. But if you’re tired of being stressed out during the holidays, a simple plan will solve it!

Happy holidays!
