I hope you had a great weekend—one that was filled with lots of fun and relaxation, plus a bit of getting things done. Here’s my update on my Finish It Friday list:
Play List
- Boot camp! Check!
- Do a creative project. Check – I knitted.
- Create my list of 101 dreams for 2012. Check!
To Finish
- Laundry. The last load is in the dryer as I type. (Hello empty hampers. It’s nice to see you again.)
- Clean the house. Check!
- Plan meals for the upcoming week and grocery shop. Check and check!
- Take care of the final holiday returns / exchanges. Check!! (Hooray!)
- Finish up thank you notes. Check!
- Water-proof my new boots. Check. Seriously this took about two minutes. Glad I put it on my list because in my mind this was a much bigger project.
- Give Maggie (our dog) a bath! Check. (Thank you, Jay. 🙂 )
How was your weekend? Thanks for sharing in the comments!
Hello! Monday already!
Rest – Slept most of the weekend
Read – Finished one book
To Do:
Take tree down – thanks to DH
Fax some medical forms – Done
Pick up around house – Done
Wash – thanks to DH again
Grocery Store – thanks to DH and he mealed plan for the week
Bonus: Paid Bills
Off to take another nap and get well. Have a great week everyone.
I didn’t really create a list on here friday but I got some good things done.
Went to the gym
Got Oil Changed – Yes new technology in cars can be annoying reminders sometimes!
Move old car into garage for now and have access to driveway parking again! YES
My old car is clutter but I can’t focus brain cells on this right now as I focus on physical and mental clutter and problems associated with my moms death and things I couldnt do after my surgery from an accident and her death in the same year. But at least the neighbors wont complain and it wont get towed and cost me unecessary expense till I have the time and energy to focus.
The last 1/2 of 2010 was rough and the 2011 was rough due to incidents beyond my control. Without my choosing I took on way more than I physically/mentally could handle while balancing life and a full time job. for 2012 I want to get things in check but I also want to give it my all when I do focus on things. 2011 was filled with a lot of crisis moments. Such as my moms water pipe bursting and causing mass destruction in her house 3 states away. Thrilling as I am still dealing with that!
Sometimes temporary fixes are all we can do in the interim.
Even though I spent most of weekend in pajamas and only left the house to grocery shop (not in pajamas though) it was a productive weekend.
-work on materials for 12 class CHECK (and my goodie kit arrived so that was awesome)
-finish week 1 of Project Life and set up for the rest of the year CHECK
To Finish
-blog CHECK
-birthday cards for next week CHECK
-sort clothes for resale shop into seasons CHECK
-turn dreams into goal statements CHECK (did this at 5 am this morning, but I think it still counts)
-spend 15 min fri, sat and sun going through file cabinet Um, no. I plan to do this during one my early mornings. I would rather scrapbook than reorganize files during my daughter’s nap time and since our bedroom is off limits to her (not child proof) and that’s where the file cabinet is I have a limited window to do this).
Laundry – finish, fold + put away – DONE, put away the last of it this am
Clean bathrooms – DONE
Vacuum – DONE
Vacuum out my car -DONE finally!!
Sweep front porch -DONE
Dusting – DONE
Clean kitchen – DONE
Shred documents – DONE
Target return if we are in the area – didnt get to Target
Filing -DONE
Tidy up closet + purge any old clothes – didn’t even get started 🙁
Family movie + pizza night – FUN, watched Spy Kids 4
Take my youngest to a birthday party on Sat morning – FUN
Basketball practice for my daughter on Sat afternoon – DONE
Sunday am run – DONE
Something fun on Sunday with my youngest while my husband takes the older two skiing – We had a fun afternoon at the zoo!
Finish my book – Finished on Friday 🙂
We had a good combination of work & play this weekend and it was just what I needed to motivate me as I strive to get back into a routine during this second week of 2012!
*Family pizza/movie night – CHECK!
*Spend time in online class forums (Roundup, Goals, Reclaiming My Time) – a little…hoping to have more time this week as I catch up on other things
*ship packages – CHECK!
*clear closet floor & straighten up hanging clothes – CHECK (looks SO much better)!
*declutter bedroom – CHECK!
*fax 4H paperwork – CHECK!
*prepare for Bible class – CHECK!
*lesson plans – CHECK!
*financial paperwork (bills, checkbook, Quicken) – 1 hr each on Fri & Sat – (actually 2 hrs on Sunday) – CHECK!
*laundry – CHECK!
*catch up on homeschool grading & planning – CHECK!
*go through paperwork & organize tickler file for next week – on schedule for today
*plan menus for upcoming week (cook from freezer & pantry) – CHECK!
QOQ! Everyone was so productive !!!
1. Going to see my son perfom at a local restaurant tonight.. CHECK and we had a fun night
2. Babysitting my grandaughter tomorrow night.. CHECK but keeping up with a 4 yr old is exhausting
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) CHECK
2. Food Shopping CHECK
3. I made a list of ‘almost finished’ projects that I’m going to focus on finishing CHECK but not quite done.. one thing always leads to another but I got the majority of them done
Have a wonderful week everyone
BTW that was supposed to be WOW! Everyone….
I love the empty hampers update. I got to this point as well! I also like your comment about how waterproofing your boots only took a couple of minutes. It’s so easy to put jobs off because they seem difficult or time-consuming, but when we actually jump in and get them done we can surprise ourselves with how straightforward the job actually was. I did this with my mending basket, and cleared it within half an hour (I thought it was going to take me a couple of hours).
I love having to be accountable! So, here is what I got done this weekend:
Play List:
1. Watch my daughter’s soccer game – Check!
2. Watch my daughter’s volleyball game – Check!
3. Play game or watch a movie with my kids – Check!
4. Walk with my neighbor – Check x three!
To Finish:
1. Finish painting laundry room cabinets and trim – Got really close!
2. Put away the contents of the laundry room cabinets and organize – will finish up when painting is done!
3. Put away the Christmas decorations – Check!
4. Menu plan and grocery shop for the week – Check!
5. Finish up laundry – Only one load left!
6. Have our family meeting to finalize our personal and family goals for the first quarter of 2012. (Schedule our end of first quarter meeting:) – Check!
Got a lot done. Can’t wait for next weekend!