Woohoo – it’s Friday! It was a busy week around here. I feel like we aren’t quite in the groove of regular / non-holiday life yet, but we’re getting there. And I have big plans for the weekend! How about you? Have you recovered from the holiday disruption of normalcy? Are you ready for a fun and productive weekend? Tell me about it in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

Okay…here’s what’s on tap for me.

Checklist copyright simplify101Play List

  • Boot camp!
  • Do a creative project. Not sure what, but I feel the need to do something creative! (And I feel the need to let inspiration be my guide when it comes to selecting the project.)
  • Create my list of 101 dreams for 2012. This is part of my goals workshop and it’s such an inspiring exercise. I’m excited to spend a bit of my weekend dreaming!

To Finish

  • Laundry.  Hello full hampers. It’s time to do something about you.
  • Clean the house.
  • Plan meals for the upcoming week and grocery shop.
  • Take care of the final holiday returns / exchanges. We had an unusual amount this year, but I’m almost done. Whew!
  • Finish up thank you notes.
  • Water-proof my new boots.
  • Give Maggie (our dog) a bath! It’s supposed to be unusually warm here this weekend, so it’s a great time to do it! (If there ever truly is a great time to wash a dog. Yuck.)

Alright, so there’s my list! I can’t wait to see yours. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
