Woohoo – it’s Friday! It was a busy week around here. I feel like we aren’t quite in the groove of regular / non-holiday life yet, but we’re getting there. And I have big plans for the weekend! How about you? Have you recovered from the holiday disruption of normalcy? Are you ready for a fun and productive weekend? Tell me about it in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.
Okay…here’s what’s on tap for me.
Play List
- Boot camp!
- Do a creative project. Not sure what, but I feel the need to do something creative! (And I feel the need to let inspiration be my guide when it comes to selecting the project.)
- Create my list of 101 dreams for 2012. This is part of my goals workshop and it’s such an inspiring exercise. I’m excited to spend a bit of my weekend dreaming!
To Finish
- Laundry. Hello full hampers. It’s time to do something about you.
- Clean the house.
- Plan meals for the upcoming week and grocery shop.
- Take care of the final holiday returns / exchanges. We had an unusual amount this year, but I’m almost done. Whew!
- Finish up thank you notes.
- Water-proof my new boots.
- Give Maggie (our dog) a bath! It’s supposed to be unusually warm here this weekend, so it’s a great time to do it! (If there ever truly is a great time to wash a dog. Yuck.)
Alright, so there’s my list! I can’t wait to see yours. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I am definitely NOT in the normal, non-holiday groove yet! My son left yesterday and my husband has the day off today, so I’m hoping this weekend will be a good transition and that next week we’ll be able to get back to the non-holiday “normal” 🙂
We are in the unusual position of having no house guests and no place we *have* to be for the next couple of days, so the main focus will be some much-needed decluttering & household tasks.
*Family pizza/movie night
*Spend time in online class forums (Roundup, Goals, Reclaiming My Time)
*ship packages
*clear closet floor & straighten up hanging clothes
*declutter bedroom
*fax 4H paperwork
*prepare for Bible class
*lesson plans
*financial paperwork (bills, checkbook, Quicken) – 1 hr each on Fri & Sat
*catch up on homeschool grading & planning
*go through paperwork & organize tickler file for next week
*plan menus for upcoming week (cook from freezer & pantry)
Wow it’s Friday already! I’m not putting much on my list because I’m still sick, week 5. Hopefully 2 new meds will not this out of me!
Read (Thanks to hubby picking up some books for me)
To Do:
Take tree down
Fax some medical forms
Pick up around house
Wash – assigning to DH again
Grocery Store – assigning to DH again
Anything else that gets done will be a bonus. Hoping by next Friday I’ll feel better and can really get motivated to get some major things done on my to-do-list. I’m going to treat myself to a day of shopping when I’m well and get out of the house. Hope everyone has a productive and fun weekend.
Play List:
* Walk the Dogs {with the family?}
* Do a creative project with the kiddo. There are so many ideas out there in Pinterest…. I’m sure we can find something fun for the both of us. Extra points if we can find something even Dad would like…
* Create my list of 101 dreams for 2012. I’m taking a cue from Aby and I’m going to create a dream list for 2012. I haven’t done this in a while, so I think it might be a good time to reevaluate what’s stirring my soul these days…
To Finish:
* Laundry. I gave this a half-hearted effor this week. Time to wrap it up!
* Meal Planning for the week. I’m still trying to find the best system for my family. Again, I’m thinking Pinterest has several ideas, so I will start there.
* Give the dogs baths. This could be something else we do with the kiddo.
* Go through the toy box / donate old toys. Again, with the kiddo.
* Take down the last of the Christmas decorations. Only the bear tree and outdoor small trees remain!
* Clean the master suite. Because it’s seriously over-due.
So, there it is. The plan. I’m also going to figure out how to spend some time with my father this weekend, as his birthday’s on Tuesday. So that’s on course for Sunday at some point.
I can already see there’s a lot on the horizon next week, so I hope this weekend will also allow for some much needed R’n’R! TGIF!
I washed my three dogs today because it’s 62 degrees here today. Wow, they needed it!!!
(virtual waving to Lycia)
I’m totally in the work groove, and very focused. With 8 weeks (or less) until my new baby arrives I have much to do:
-work on materials for 12 class
-finish week 1 of Project Life and set up for the rest of the year
To Finish
-birthday cards for next week
-sort clothes for resale shop into seasons
-turn dreams into goal statements
-spend 15 min fri, sat and sun going through file cabinet
Another woohoo it’s Friday!
Laundry – finish, fold + put away
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum out my car
Sweep front porch
Clean kitchen
Shred documents
Target return if we are in the area
Tidy up closet + purge any old clothes
Family movie + pizza night
Take my youngest to a birthday party on Sat morning
Basketball practice for my daughter on Sat afternoon
Sunday am run
Something fun on Sunday with my youngest while my husband takes the older two skiing
Finish my book
Unfortunately I have to work on Saturday so I don’t get the whole weekend.
However I still have a list:
Help my youngest with a school project
Go over information from Stacy Julian’s class twelve
Clean out fridge
Make menu for the week
Go through coupons and make grocery list
Christmas decorations to put away
Very glad it’s friday! It’s always tough going back after a break and I’m super excited to get things done this weekend…
1. Going to see my son perfom at a local restaurant tonight.. he has a super great guitar teacher who is always inviting him to perform with him.. what a valuable experience for whatever he does in the future.
2. Babysitting my grandaughter tomorrow night.. always fun
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…)
2. Food Shopping
3. I made a list of ‘almost finished’ projects that I’m going to focus on finishing (you know the.. touch up paint here, fix loose doorknob there, clean out last shelf on the bookcase, etc) going to try to finish them all up even though it’s a long list most will take 5 minutes or less.. it’s the little things that always seem stay on the to do list forever! Then I’ll be able to focus on my January goals 🙂
Have a fun, productive weekend everyone
Here’s mine!
Play List:
1. Watch my daughter’s soccer game.
2. Watch my daughter’s volleyball game.
3. Play game or watch a movie with my kids.
4. Walk with my neighbor.
To Finish:
1. Finish painting laundry room cabinets and trim.
2. Put away the contents of the laundry room cabinets and organize!
3. Put away the Christmas decorations.
4. Menu plan and grocery shop for the week.
5. Finish up laundry.
6. Have our family meeting to finalize our personal and family goals for the first quarter of 2012. (Schedule our end of first quarter meeting:)
Feels pretty ambitious, but I think I can get most of it done!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Yay, so happy to see all of your lists! Have a great weekend my Finish It Friday Friends! 🙂
Little late on posting this on Friday but here it goes:
*Take a walk
*Start reading a new book
*Putting Christmas decorations away and organize the Christmas totes
*Meal plan & grocery shop
*Work on financial document
Have a great weekend everyone!