Happy Monday morning my friends. I hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for sharing your to-do lists on Friday. My Mom, sister and I had a great time on Friday…lots of stuff got done and we had loads of fun. Here’s a recap of all the good stuff that got done over the weekend…
- Finish Christmas shopping for Michigan family members. (Check!)
- Finish wrapping gifts for Michigan family members. (Check!)
- Dinner out with the whole family. (Check!)
- Play cards with my Mom, Sister, and Kailea. (Check!)
- Laundry. (Check!)
- Plan meals for the week. (Almost a check.)
- Knit. (Check!)
- More Christmas shopping. (Almost done. Yay!)
- Do some paperwork. (Check!)
All in all, it was a great weekend. It was so nice to spend time with my Mom and sister…made it feel like Christmas time. 🙂 I hope you had a great weekend, too!
So glad you had a great time with your family.
Reading – Lots of it!
Create mini album – No – to sick to work on
Rest and keep getting better – stayed on couch entire weekend
Bonus: Watched a movie
To Do:
Wash – Check – Thanks to DH
Grocery Shopping – DH offered to do this – thank goodness – Done and he even made a trip to BJ’s and Target for me besides the grocery store
Clean the house – DH offered to help with this also – Check – He cleaned the entire house on Sat.
Bonus: Bed Linens and Rugs washed – thanks to DH
Library – returned books – Check
Planned what were taking to Christmas Dinner-Check
Basically my DH did everything on my to-do-list. DH really was wonderful and even made a pot of chicken noodle soup for me. I hope everyone had a great and productive weekend.
Oh, Dottie! You have really been sick. Glad your husband is doing so much so you can rest. Get better soon!
My list:
*Family pizza/movie night – CHECK!
*Bake cookies & other treats for family – CHECK!
*Get remainder of Christmas cards in the mail – CHECK!
*Go through CD with family pics – CHECK!
*Plan for oldest son’s bday celebration – CHECK!
*Decide on photo project for mom – need to go to craft store today
*Wrap gifts…wrap gifts…wrap more gifts 🙂 – CHECK, but still many more to go!
*Make last batch of caramel corn – CHECK!
*Bills & bookkeeping – 1 hr – CHECK!
*Lesson plans – CHECK!
*Laundry – CHECK!
*4H work – 1 hr (max) – nope
*Organize tickler file for next week – nope
*Make grocery list for next week (including *Christmas dinner) – on schedule for today or tomorrow
Glad to hear you enjoyed your visitors… it was one of those weekends where a lot got done but not nearly enough…
1.Tonight my son’s performing at a local restaurant..CHECK lots of fun
2. Sunday is the official baking/gingerbread house building day..CHECK lots of cookie baking.. the gingerbread creations look a bit odd since it seems teenage boys don’t understand if you eat some of the pieces they don’t turnout quite like the photo!
3. Have to finish editing and organizing the photos from last weeks wedding so I can get them to the bride.. not done will do a bit each night this week
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) CHECK
2. Laundry CHECK
3. Food Shopping CHECK
4. One Christmas gift left to finish.. not done
5. Review shopping list to see if I missed anything.. done but need to do more shopping
6. Wrapping.. not done
..and the reason for so many not dones…. science teacher decided to give the kids a ‘small’ project due this week.. build a model of DNA.. lots of trips back and forth to the craft and office supply store.. it so fit in with the weeks activities… cookie baking, Christmas shopping, build a dNA model.. 🙁
Have a great week everyone!
When I started reading your blog I immediately started making lists for everything, this has slowly died on me but every time I revisit your page I get re-inspired again to do it! 2012 will be the list and organized year!
I LOVED seeing you mentioned in the Better, Homes & Gardens article on Organizing in the January issue I got yesterday. Congrats what a great way to start out the year!