So one thing that wasn’t on my to-do list this past weekend was to get sick…but that’s exactly what I did early yesterday morning. So I spent the entire day in bed and that’s why there was no Monday check in post. I’m back with the living today (hooray!) so I’m now ready to check in for the weekend.
Play List:
- Boot camp. Check!
- Christmas party. Check!
- Knit. Check!
To Finish:
- Finish scarf. I didn’t finish and I’m starting to worry it won’t be done in time. It may be time for another plan B.
- Shop for out of town family members. Check, but there is still more shopping to be done.
- Ship gifts for my brother’s family. Check!
- Buy ingredients for Christmas party appetizer. Check!
- Coordinate Christmas Eve dinner. Check!
- Wrap Kailea’s birthday gifts. Check!
- Bake Kailea a birthday cake. Check!
- Plan meals for Christmas day. We made progress.
- Talk to family about holiday baking. Yep, we talked about it.
- Figure out Plan B for hot chocolate. Check. Thanks for all the ideas!
- Laundry. Check!
- Clean house. Check!
Whew…it was a busy weekend followed by an unintended day of rest. How did your weekend go?
Aby sorry to hear you were sick. Glad you’re doing better. I’m working on week 2 with this sick thing, time for it to be gone. You had a productive weekend.
Reading – Check
Crafting – Work on mini album – Nope
Shopping for coat for myself if I feel better-Done but came sick even though I was feeling good when I left Saturday morning
To Do:
Pay bills – Done
Wash – Hubby Did – Yeah
Decide dish for 50th birthday party next weekend – reached my girlfriend so we’re set
Hope everyone has a good week. I’m going to rest, get better and read.
*4H Party – CHECK!
*Shopping with Mom – CHECK!
*Family pizza/movie night – the guys had to do this on their own (without a movie) while my mom & I were shopping
*Finish prep for party – bake cookies, make dip, wrap gift, gather party supplies & meeting info – CHECK!
*Make caramel corn – CHECK!
*Make list of gifts left to buy – CHECK!
*Get food gifts ready for DH to take to work – most of them are done
*Finish photo collage – CHECK!
*Get started (maybe even finish???) addressing Christmas cards – have gotten a good start
*Laundry – CHECK!
*Change sheets – CHECK (DH did this)!
*Lesson plans – did as much as possible
*Catch up in Organized Holiday forum – CHECK!
*Spend at least 15 min decluttering my “stash bin” – no 🙁
*Make progress on bookkeeping (1 hr) – CHECK!
*Get organized for the very busy week ahead – not as much as I’d like to be 🙁
I hate being sick during the holidays! It happened to me this year and it really put a cramp in my productivity. I’m finally (kinda) catching up.
I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the well wishes, CC. I am feeling better. Hope you are, too!
Oh Dottie, I hope you’re feeling better this week! That’s too long to be under the weather!!
Lots of checks Lycia! Nice job!!
Hope everyone is feeling better.. I think we run ourselves down this time of year..
1. Photographing a wedding saturday CHECK and it was fun but very very COLD
2. Finish up the Christmas decorating CHECK
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) CHECK
2. Laundry CHECK
3. Food Shopping CHECK
4. Finish up two Christmas gifts NOT gotta get these done this week
5. Review shopping list and make a plan for the final push to get it done CHECK and I have a short list of stops to make
6. Prepare for the coming week CHECK but on a week like this I’m never organized enough
Have a wonderful week everyone.. it will be friday again before we know it