So one thing that wasn’t on my to-do list this past weekend was to get sick…but that’s exactly what I did early yesterday morning. So I spent the entire day in bed and that’s why there was no Monday check in post. I’m back with the living today (hooray!) so I’m now ready to check in for the weekend.

Play List:

  • Boot camp. Check!
  • Christmas party. Check!
  • Knit. Check!

To Finish:

  • Finish scarf.  I didn’t finish and I’m starting to worry it won’t be done in time. It may be time for another plan B.
  • Shop for out of town family members.  Check, but there is still more shopping to be done.
  • Ship gifts for my brother’s family. Check!
  • Buy ingredients for Christmas party appetizer. Check!
  • Coordinate Christmas Eve dinner. Check!
  • Wrap Kailea’s birthday gifts.  Check!
  • Bake Kailea a birthday cake. Check!
  • Plan meals for Christmas day. We made progress.
  • Talk to family about holiday baking.  Yep, we talked about it.
  • Figure out Plan B for hot chocolate. Check. Thanks for all the ideas!
  • Laundry. Check!
  • Clean house. Check!

Whew…it was a busy weekend followed by an unintended day of rest. How did your weekend go?
