Happy Friday my friends! I hope you had a fantastic week. Are you ready for the weekend? I think I am. I know for sure I’m ready to make some weekend plans. If you are, too, join me for this week’s edition of Finish It Friday by posting your weekend to-do list in the comments. It’s a fun way to make the most of the weekend ahead.

Here’s what’s on tap for me…

Play List:
Checklist copyright simplify101

  • Birthday party! Since it’s a sleepover, I’ll be taking the week off of boot camp. I think my muscles stopped hurting from last week’s boot camp around Wednesday…so maybe a week off will be good. LOL.
  • Get Christmas tree + decorate it.
  • Knit. (I’ll share more details about this project in an upcoming post.)
  • Make a batch of hot chocolate. (Ditto.)

To Finish:

  • Finish final preparations for birthday party.
  • Laundry.
  • Clean house. We did about half of the weekly cleaning last night. Will do the rest this afternoon before the party begins.
  • Decide on appetizer for next weekend’s neighborhood party. If you have any suggestions for things you love to take to a get-together, I’d love to hear them! Thanks.
  • Wrap some Christmas and birthday gifts.
  • Review holiday master list…and make plans for the upcoming week. 

Whew—I’ve got a busy weekend ahead! I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing your to-do list in the comments!
