Happy Monday my friends! I hope you had a happy and productive weekend. I look forward to hearing your weekend progress reports. Here is mine.
Play List:
- Tae Kwon Do belt test. She is now officially a red belt!! The test was quite intense. Thanks for sending your well wishes to her. 🙂
- Do something fun and relaxing with my family. We went to the pumpkin farm and out for dinner. It was so gorgeous here this weekend—the perfect day for a trip to the country.
To Finish:
- Pull out hats, gloves and scarves, and put them into their winter storage locations. This didn’t happen. It was so nice here that I had the itch to do other things…like…
- Clean the windows. (Check!) I figured this might be my last warm weekend, so I didn’t want to miss out on the chance to wash the windows. I always love how nice it looks when the windows are clean. Happy about this.
- Wash the cold air return vents. (Check!)
- Laundry. (Check!)
- Plan Meals. (Check!)
- Clean. (Check!)
So it was a good weekend, really the perfect fall weekend. I hope yours was great, too! Enjoy your Monday!
Congrats to Kailea! It was a great weekend here too. Got a lot done, but also got to spend time with family 🙂
*My husband will be home from a week-long business trip 🙂 – YES!
*Family pizza & movie night – YES!
*Soccer on Saturday – YES!
*Hang out with husband & kids on Saturday night – YES (also had a fish fry at my parents)!
*Catch up on photography class – no
*Catch up on Routines class – progress made
*Lesson plans – DONE!
*Amazon order – not done (need to check an item in-store first)
*Clear tickler file – DONE!
*Laundry – DONE!
*Vacuum/tidy house before husband arrives – DONE!
*menus & grocery list for next 2 weeks – DONE! (finally got set up on PlanToEat.com – yay!!!)
*Monthly bookkeeping – current (30 min) – DONE!
*Monthly bookkeeping – backlog (1 hr) – DONE (actually longer)!
*Discuss Halloween plans with my daughter – DONE!
*Make master to-do list for Thanksgiving & discuss with husband – this is a WIP, but I’ve got a really good start!
*Clean out purse – DONE!
Bonus: Deleted several shows from the DVR!
oh dear ~ sorry about the crazy long post ~ i used copy / paste and didn’t see any of the text above my list when I posted the comment.
on my to do list this weekend:
* submit gas meter readings and finish transferring accounts ~ DONE
* sort out bedrooms ready for professional carpet clean next week ~ OOPS NOT REALLY STARTED, NEED TO GET A MOVE ON TONIGHT
* pay bills ~ DONE
* find a 40th birthday gift for a good friend ~ OOPS, STILL TO GET TO THE SHOPS
* start to write thank you notes from Aurelia ~ STARTED
and fun things:
* watch movie with DH ~ DONE
* get out in the autumn air and capture the light at this time of year ~ DONE-ISH. FORGOT MY CAMERA BUT WE HAD A LOVELY WALK
Congrats to your daughter, Aby! Yeah for being a red belt. 🙂
Clean bathrooms – DONE
Vacuum – DONE
Laundry – washed, folded + put away! – DONE
Dusting – DONE
Sweep + mop kitchen – DONE
Clean kitchen – DONE
Update family calendar – DONE
Shredding documents – didn’t get to this
Family movie night – FUN!
Soccer Saturday – FUN but wet + muddy
Reading – on my own + with the kids – Spent a lot of time reading with my younger two, FUN!
Sunday am run – skipped it due to a sore knee
Bake cookies – YUM!
Last minute details on Halloween costumes – didn’t get to this but we’re pretty much ready 🙂
I had a great weekend. I hardly ever get my to-do’s/school things done though. Not good!
Catch up on DVR- halfway done
Discussion reply done. Started reading for this weeks.
Work on a class project-didn’t get this done
Work (Sunday)-Done!
Also got in some Laundry
Ordered an Erin Condern Life Planner today for half off!
It was such a beautiful weekend here as well.. enjoyed lots of outdoor activities:
1. Son’s 2 baseball games DONE
2. Photo shoot of my new great-niece DONE but 1 week olds tend not to be very cooperative
3. Photo shoot with my other niece’s family DONE at least two year olds like having their photo taken
4. Nephew’s football game DONE
5. Stop by to cheer my daughter on she’s doing a 5k and of course take some photos DONE and she bested her own personal finish time
5. More class work for the Photo Organization class I’m taking Not done but I’m dedicating tonight to this
To Do:
1. Weekly housework (dust, vacumn, bathrooms, sheets, etc…) DONE
2. Laundry DONE
3. Food Shopping DONE
4. Yard work (mowing, raking, hedge trimming and cleaning out the shed )
DONE except for the shed and hedge trimming I know I’m going to regret not getting this done when the cold arrives
5. Finish the latest batch of scanning for my sister DONE
All and all a very productive but tiring weekend.. I was glad to go back to work today because they let me sit down there 🙂