I hope you’ve had a terrific week! It’s time again to share our Finish It Friday to-do lists. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I’m keeping my to-do list light this weekend to create as much space as possible for the fun stuff. Here’s what I’ll be up to:
Play List
- Boot camp class. (Yay! I really missed going last week.)
- Watch basketball games.
- Birthday celebration with family.
To Finish
- Laundry.
- Plan meals for the week.
- Clean.
Remember, I’ll be taking a break from Finish It Friday after next Friday’s post. So why not join in the fun this weekend? I look forward to hearing your plans. Have a great one!
Hi Aby,
I read your blog regularly and I’ve taken your classes (loved & still use my GOFTHolidays charts every year). Today, after thinking on your travel mini-zone ideas I thought I’d update my mini first aid kit (sun screen, bug bite stuff, bandages, etc.) that I travel with for summer baseball games, etc. and also my ‘go everywhere’ bag. I have 3 boys and not all play sports at the same time so I like to travel with snacks, drinks and boredom busters like extra balls and gloves to hand held games, grab and go stuff that I like ready at a moments notice.
I’d love to hear what you or others tote along when their ‘travel mini-zone’ needs are for local/day trips.
Enjoy your break!
My weekend is starting to look a little packed! 🙂
Finish List:
-Laundry! Only 3 loads to go!
-Clean Master Bathroom & Kid’s Bath
-Vac floors
-Do Homework for Child Development class
-Attend a Child Development class
-Attend a Summer Curriculum class
Play List
-2 Baseball Games Sat & 1 Sunday
-Get end of the year gifts for son’s teachers.
-Game Night w/ family
-Movie w/ hubs!
This weekend is a combination of work & play with our entire family going in different directions.
We’re headed out of town for my youngest son to play at the Texas Music Festival in San Marcos. Oldest son is leaving for Houston today and will fly to California tomorrow for a 10 day vacation. Our daughter is at an Orientation Leader’s Retreat for her university, so 10 month old grandson is going on the road trip with us 🙂
Hope this weekend wont be as hectic as last weekend I was exhausted and been playing catchup
Oil Change
Groc Shopping
Clean house (didnt do last weekend)
Finish Laundry
Meal Plan
I’m hoping to finish all of the big projects for our patio this weekend. I’d like to have everything completed by Memorial Day so we can enjoy the day off on our patio, soaking up sun and eating crawfish!
1. Date night with hubby
That’s it for the fun. Did I mention I have a tight (self-imposed) deadline? I will probably fit some more fun in but I didn’t want to plan anything on purpose.
1. Cut pallets for bench
2. Stain bench
3. Repaint lounge chairs
4. Repot some plants, so they match the decor and have room to grow
5. Make solar planter/light feature
6. Drop off recycling
7. Clean house
8. Laundry
9. Stain A/C cover to match bench
10. Paint frame to finish DIY love bird art
Happy Belated birthday, Aby!!
I don’t have too much to finish today..
1. laundry
2. tidy house/pick up clutter
3. plan meals/grocery list
Continue organizing/sorting scrapbooking supplies and update blog!
I don’t have too much to finish today..
1. laundry
2. tidy house/pick up clutter
3. plan meals/grocery list
Continue organizing/sorting scrapbooking supplies and update blog!
Hey Happy B-Day Gemini. Mine’s on Sunday!
Fun List:
“date” with son (& hubby/daughter) to Pirates movie
two soccer games – son
one piano recital – daughter
Mile fun run with son
b-day dinner out – maybe ice cream
Ok Work list:
clean up paper piles on kitchen table!
Clean bathrooms
Plan meals + shop for the week
Sweep garage
Weed garden bed if weather cooperates!
Catch up on email
Stay caught up on laundry
Family movie + pizza night
Soccer games + LL game on Saturday
Shop for a big boy bed for my youngest!
Sunday am run
Since I am officially on Summer Break for 2 1/2 months(I work in a school) my plan for the weekend is NOTHING. I can start working on stuff Monday 🙂 However, this is what I would like to do…
Saturday — sleep in. Way in. Maybe check out a small carnival in town. And make stir fry. If I don’t sleep all day.
Sunday — church. Run For the Wall in the late afternoon(this is were bikers stop in our town on their way to DC for Memorial Day).
That’s it! Have a great weekend everyone 🙂
I am going to miss Finish it Fridays. It is so encouraging and motivating to me. Seeing what everyone will do motivates me to make the most of my weekend!
I’ve never posted a FIF list so heres my first one:
Work on my Becky Higgins Project Life
Plant flowers in containers on deck for Memorial Day weekend (family coming)
laundry (does it ever get done?)
Clean up scrapbook room (tornado city)
Run 5 miles each day
Get new cushions for patio furniture
Thanks Becky and thank you for the FIF list you posted. I have several printed out and plan to continue using them this summer.
Happy weekend everyone! : )
Thanks everyone for your comments! And happy birthday Lisa S.