It’s hard to believe, but another Friday is here! The weeks go fast this time of year, with the end of the school year fast approaching…but this week was ultra fast for me! How about you? Was your week a quick one?
So now it’s time to plan for the weekend. My desire this weekend is to keep things flexible. There are plenty of options for things to do around this house of mine…and I want to see what feels fun when I wake up on Saturday morning. Do you ever do that? Does it work well for you? Sometimes I get more done when I let inspiration be my guide…instead of deciding what I’m going to do ahead of time. So that’s my plan for this weekend, plus I’ll do my regular weekend to-dos. (I’ll let you know how it goes on Monday.)
Play List
- Boot camp.
To Finish
- Laundry.
- Cleaning.
- Plan meals for the week.
Wow…that feels pretty good! A nice short list. I can’t wait to see what I feel like doing and what I get done. They’re predicting rain (again!) so it could be a great weekend to stay inside and get some stuff done. (And, of course, have some fun.)
What are your plans this weekend? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. I hope you have a great weekend!
Here is my play list-
– Go to award’s luncheon with hubby
– spend quality time with my lil one
– start planning trip next to ohio..
To finish-
Too much to list, but here are some I really need to do
– laundry
– pick up dry cleaning
– organize closet
– organize papers
– organize scrapbooking supplies
– dust and mop
Play list:
+Find a good quality volleyball net and play with my daughter.
+Make cookies
To done:
+Laundry is finished… so that is not on my weekend list. except maybe PE clothes that come home today:)
+Daughter helped me vaccume last night so I don’t have that either:)
To do:
-Clean out van. Messy from the trip to the recycling and good will.
-Plan the weeks menu.
-Inventory what we need from the store.
-Grocery store and organize pantry when we come back.
-Empty the water heater
-Change the furnace filter
I have more of a play weekend then anything but I do plan on fitting in one or two to-do’s. Here goes:
-birthday party for my fiance’s two-year-old godson
-Bachelorette party
-Library Booksale
-Bridal Shower
-return library books
-bring unwanted clothes to goodwill box
I have a 3-day weekend, but it turned out to be a 4 since I stayed home sick today 🙁 I think all the rest worked, though.
Scrapbook crop Saturday
Sleep in Monday
To Do: Get scrapbooking stuff together
Cook meals for the week
Weed the rest of the garden
Finish getting dead leaves out of garden
Plant tomato plant
See about getting grass seed, mulch and
flowers at housing office
Take down Easter decorations and put away
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Play List:
Nephews Birthday Party Sat.
Clothes shopping for myself
To Do:
Hair Cut
Clean House
Purchase flowers
Pay Bills
Download Photos
Spring clean master closet-at least start it
That should keep me busy for the weekend. Hope evreyone has a great and productive weekend. Dottie
You make it seem so easy
nothing special but want to go with my bf on long drive 😛