Happy Friday to you! I hope you have had a terrific week. Around here, it has been busy! Its spring break but Jay and I haven’t taken much of a break…yet. We’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on some fun new things here at simplify 101. Want a little bit of the inside scoop?

Well, fun thing number one is that we’re going to be running one of my favorite workshops (one that’s usually reserved just for January) this May. Can you guess what workshop it is? If you guessed the workshop How Acheive Your Goals and Create a Life You Love… you are right! Around here we believe that any time is the right time to begin the process of creating a life that you truly love.

This workshop is a fun workshop and one you can do anywhere…while you’re waiting in the carpool line, or sitting at the beach on your summer vacation. Unlike some of my other online workshops where you organize and declutter…this workshop is very portable. You can dream anywhere…and any time…so we thought “why not May?” (By the way, this workshop is on early bird sale for just a very short while. So if you’re thinking “you know what, I really would love to create a life I love…” go here soon to learn more.)

achieve your goals online workshop

Fun thing number twois that I just put the finishing touches on the brand new daily decluttering prompts for the next session of Quick + Simple Clutter Control. These daily prompts are focused on helping you spring clean and declutter your home…and I think they’re going to be a lot of fun. The workshop starts next Thursday…and I can hardly wait.

quick + simple clutter control online workshop

Fun thing number three is that I’m just about to announce a brand new workshop! Keep your eyes open for that next week.

Fun thing number four…we got a new roof yesterday. I know…not so much fun for you, but we are thrilled. 😉

Fun thing number five is that it’s the weekend…and its Easter weekend and Jay’s birthday weekend all in one! So, I’m going to keep my to-do list light this weekend. Here we go…

Play List

  • Boot camp.
  • Take photos for photography class.
  • Make Jay’s birthday cake.
  • Dye Easter eggs.

To do list To Finish

  • Finish getting ready for Easter and Jay’s birthday.
  • Start + finish laundry.
  • Start + finish some light cleaning.
  • Plan weekly menu + shop for groceries.

What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend.