Happy Friday to you! Do you have big plans for the weekend? Will you be having some fun and getting things done? This weekend for me is pretty booked solid already, so my list is going to be a bit short. My focus will be more about maintaining rather than about finishing or moving new projects ahead. Some weekends are like that. 🙂
Before we get into list sharing mode, I want to share my time management tip du jour, and that is this:
Use lists to get more done!
Now if you’re already using a to-do list on a regular basis, or you use them on the weekend when you join me for Finish It Friday, then you know this fact to be true. The simple process of writing down what you need to do or intend to do is an extremely effective process. And yet, so many people I encounter try to keep track of everything in their head. This isn’t only less effective, it’s more work than necessary and more stressful.
If you have lots of things you need to do or want to do, writing a complete to-do list can feel very stressful while you’re writing it. But, when the to-dos are out of your head and onto the paper, there is a tremendous sense of relief. You no longer have to use your brain to try to keep track of all of your to-dos. Now you can use your brain to get your to-dos done or to enjoy a fun activity without feeling distracted by everything you’re trying to keep track of in your head!
If you’re out of the habit of writing down your to-do list, start today! Join me for Finish It Friday and make your weekend to-do list. Remember, it’s okay if you don’t get everything on your list done. You will most certainly get more done if you make a list and then refer back to it throughout the weekend. Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the endorphin rush known as “checking things off your list!” Are you ready to do some list sharing? I am. Here are my lists:
Play List
Kailea’s Tae Kwon Do test. This conflicts with boot camp so no boot camp this weekend. But I will be back next weekend!
To Finish List
Finish the laundry.
Start + finish cleaning the house.
Help Kailea finish a couple of projects.
Organizing appointment on Sunday.
Trader Joes run.
I think that will do it for me this weekend! I hope you’ll give Finish It Friday a try this weekend and tap into the freeing power of to-do lists. Share your lists in the comments and then—have a wonderful weekend! (Remember to check back here later for a Freebie Friday post—hooray!)
Participating in Finish It Friday helps me have a more productive weekend, yet I can still relax & enjoy having my family home. On Mondays I like to make a list of what I need to have finished by Friday. My Monday list tends to have larger projects that I can tackle while my little boy is in school & my husband is working.
To Finish List
1. Laundry
2. Quick Clean Bathrooms
3. Start working on taxes w/ hubby (we do our own).
4. Haircuts for hubby & son.
5. Give our dog Kirby a bath!
Play List
1. Game Night w/ Family
2. Photo Editing Session
* laundry – folded + put away
* vacuum out car – never got to it this week!
* clean bathrooms
* dusting
* plan meals + grocery shop for the week
* shred documents
* vacuum house
* deep clean kitchen
* finish up goodwill pile + drop off Monday!!
* put clothes into storage buckets for my youngest
* family movie night
* finish up valentines with my oldest two
* bake valentine cupcakes 🙂
* read magazines – I have a huge back up right now
* spend quality time with each of my 3 kiddos
* run Sunday am
* make big family breakfast on Sunday since my husband has to work Saturday am.
I’m a list maker especially when I start to feel like I have too much to do. I use my Finish it Friday list for the weekend and make a list for most days of the week. It helps me stay focused and not forget about small things.
Good luck to your daughter, Aby!
Finish It Fridays have had a huge impact on my productivity. I think the defined time frame helps me a lot when it comes to list making. A day’s too short, but a week’s too long. The three day chunk is manageable. I don’t do as well during the week, so maybe I need to a M-Th list.
Anyway, This my birthday weekend, so I’m taking it off and letting dh make all the plans and worry about the chores. My only agenda is to relax and enjoy my family!!
Since I seem to have picked up a bug of some kind my only goals this weekend are to get my Valentine cards and gifts done and possibly make some Valentine cookies for work.
I love it when I get here to join in. Here goes…
1. Hang wire basket inside bathroom cabinet.
2. Change out backing boards inside picture frames.
3. Make labels for family laundry baskets.
4. Do three week menu plan (this is a biggie!).
1. Indoor tennis with family.
2. Valentine cookie making.
If I had the Luxury of an Extra Hour in my day, I would probably put my to do lists (please note the plural here)and just do something just for me such as a hot bubble bath or listen to a relaxing piece of Music maybe a glass of wine or all three at the same time and just empty my mind of all my to-do’s. Yes. This would be my Ideal extra hour….
Kind Regards,
Bev. L……
PS: I have Twittered and Facebooked this as well…
Keeping it simple this weekend, because one project is so time-consuming!
*lesson plans
*pay bills
*get bookkeeping up-to-date
*meal planning & grocery shopping
*start on taxes
*write one goal statement
*family outing on Saturday (dinner + movie)
A bonus would be if I get an announcement written for the local paper that I’ve been putting off!