Today’s post is a sample of my weekly organizing quick tip. If you don’t currently subscribe, you can sign up here. Enjoy. 🙂

For this week’s Quick Tip, I have a little question for you:

What’s on your play list?

Now just to be clear, I’m not talking about the play list on your MP3 player, smart phone or iPod. Nope—the kind of play list I’m referring to has nothing to do with music. Instead, it has everything to do with good old fashioned fun.

So what’s a play list? Well, it’s the distant cousin of the to-do list. A play list, you see, is a list of things you do just for fun.

Now if you’re thinking, I don’t have a play list because I don’t have time for fun…well…this is precisely the right time to create a play list. We all need time to play, time to do things that nourish our souls, quiet our minds, and energize our bodies. Whether your play list involves actual play like sports or playing with your children, or your play time activities are things like knitting, reading, or another creative pursuit, it makes sense to play. When you carve out time for fun in your schedule, you approach your work with more enthusiasm and energy. In essence, this means when you have more fun, you get more done. (Hey, that sounds like a tag line I know…!)

Take Action!

First, create your play list of things to do just for fun—to play, to relax, or to restore your energy. Then, pick one item from your list and add it to today’s to-do list. Give this activity the same level of priority as you would a dentist appointment or paying the bills. (I’m serious.) Finally, take note of how you feel, and of how you approach every other item on your to-do list when you know that today you get to play! Let me know how this little experiment works for you. Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear from you!

Happy playing!
