Back in December I mentioned that I had taken up a knitting. Heidi commented “OMG, you are knitting!! That is awesome! Now you can tell all us readers how to organize our hordes of yarn. 🙂 What did you pick for your first project and where did you get the yarn?”

So…I thought I would share. Especially now that my first project is complete. Want to see?


A green scarf was project number one. I had to start it over a few times because I still haven’t figured out how to get myself out of a pickle when I’m knitting. If I make a mistake and notice it and try to fix it…well…it turns into a big unraveling of stitches. Sometimes I just didn’t know how to stop the unraveling…so I unraveled it all and just started over. But you know what…I didn’t really mind. I seem to enjoy the process of knitting as much as the end product.

So it’s funny Heidi asked about how to organize yarn and stuff. I’m still at that blissful stage of a new hobby where I really don’t have much of a clue as to my options and I don’t own much gear. For the scarf project I went to Michael’s, pulled my cell phone out of my purse and called my friend Janine. Janine helped me figure out that worsted weight yarn is different from chunky (which seems kind of obvious now) and if I look on the back of the yarn it will help me figure out how much yarn to get for my project and what size needles to use and handy stuff like that. (So nice to have a knitting consultant programmed in your cell phone.) So, I grabbed a couple of packages of green yarn, a set of size 9 bamboo needles, and on my way I went.

At this point, my entire collection of knitting supplies is stored like this, in a ceramic bowl on a cabinet in my family room.


This bowl of yarn and needles includes my daughter’s yarn, too. In fact most of it is hers. I’m liking the simplicity of these early days in a new hobby…not much to store, organize or keep track of.

So…if you knit I’d love to know what you do. What projects are your favorites? How do you store your supplies? What’s your favorite yarn to use? What’s your favorite knitting book? Do you like bamboo needles or some other kind? Bamboo is my favorite so far…need to get a longer pair for my next project, a hat for my daughter.

I’m a rookie at this…and would love to hear any thoughts you want to share about knitting. Are there things you wish you had known when you started? Do you know any good on-line resources for knitting supplies or patterns? What’s a good easy project for someone who realizes there are only so many scarves that one family needs? Oh, and what’s a good project for a boy? I made my daughter a scarf and my son wants something. He is ten…and I just haven’t a clue what he might like. But I know it would mean a lot to him. So if you have any ideas on a knitting project that’s easy and suitable for a rookie knitter but good for a ten year old boy to receive, I’d love to hear it.

Its anything and everything knitting today on the Creative Organizing blog. Can’t wait to hear what you have to share! 😉