So it’s the first day after Week in the Life, and I’m feeling a bit empty handed today—no camera in my hands. I kind of miss it.

Once again, I’m so glad that I am doing this project. Something amazing happens when you look at your life through the lens of a camera as a bit of an outside observer. I found myself very focused on noticing the little things that make our lives so rich and full. I was focused on appreciating the people in my life, and appreciating the simple routines that make our life work. It’s a hard thing to really capture in words…perhaps as this week goes on and I pull together the finished project I’ll be more able to make sense of it all in words. But what I found is that this project isn’t simply a case of documenting what happens. The documentation process changed things for me…in a really good way. I am more appreciative of the simple things that make my life what it is right now. I’m more appreciative of my family, the town I live in, our routines, my dog, our friends, and even the food we eat, than I was a week ago today. And that is very cool. As Wayne Dyer says “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” I very much found that to be the case last week. Anyway…I seem to have really enjoyed the documenting process and so I didn’t spend much time blogging about it or sharing photos. So here’s a quick recap of days 3 through 7—some of the highlights in photos.

Day 3

A new approach to driving photos. (Hand over camera to daughter in the back seat.) I love this photo because wow, aren’t those pretty trees? I drive by them every single day and really don’t notice them the way I do in this photo. Love that new perspective.


Day 4

My morning routine. Waiting for Maggie to do her ten minute sniff of the front yard (and other morning business.) I love these moments of peace and quiet…just me, Maggie, a cup of coffee, and the occasional neighbor driving by (who I hope isn’t noticing me in my morning wear.)

Morning routine

Day 4

The brick road by my kid’s school. I love that there’s a brick road by my kid’s school. I love that this project caused me to notice it and appreciate it.

Brick road

Day 5

Shopping at Jakes on Main – a Life Is Good retailer in St. Charles, Mo. For some reason, this mug caught my eye. 😉

Life is good

Day 5

Happy to see this in today’s mail. A new favorite magazine.

Fresh home

Day 6

The world from Maggie’s eyes.

Maggies world

Day 6

My techie boy at my friend Elise’s lovely home.

My techie boy

Day 6

Playing a retro French card game Saturday night.


Day 7

Jay’s birthday. Love that he set a reminder in his Blackberry. And really glad he doesn’t actually need the reminder.

Happy birthday Jay

Day 7

Happy birthday Jay!


My family definitely warmed up to this project as the week went on. Last night on the way home from Jay’s birthday celebration at his parent’s house, Kailea said “I know what I want for Christmas…a camera.” It seems she’d like to do her own Week in the Life project. How fun is that—planting the seeds of a future scrapbooker.

It came out that my families biggest objection to being photographed was the possibility of appearing on the blog. Good to remember for next time. And I will also be sure to hand over the camera even more next time…perhaps by then Kailea will have a camera of her own and she can help me capture photos from her perspective.

So the capturing phase is over; now it’s time to create the finished project. This week during the evenings I’ll be selecting and editing photos to print. Then, next weekend I hope to pull it all together. I will post photos of some finished pages using the Project Life pages and journaling cards—most likely next week. (I have to sink my teeth into some work projects this week.) So…stay tuned. 🙂

If you participated in Week in the Life how did it go for you? What’s your plan for finishing up your project? What were your big takeaways? I’d love to hear!