Free Printables

Are you wondering “how do I get organized?” If so, you’re in the right place! We’ve put together a collection of free, organizing printables including monthly organizing checklists, a menu planner and grocery list, and a holiday gift shopping list (to name just a few), and they’re all designed to help you organize your home and life. Happy organizing!

Wardrobe Inventory List

By |Free Printables, Lists|

When organizing your closet, use our wardrobe inventory printable, which was adapted from our Organize Your Closet workshop. Print out a copy for each family member to make it easy to keep track of everyone's clothing.

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Summer Fun + Done List

By |Free Printables, Lists|

The summer fun + done list reinforces the idea of balancing fun with getting things done. Write down a few of your favorite summer activities on the left side of the list, then on the right side, list things you want or need to get done over the summer. Make it a goal use both sides of your list. As you see the list fill up with check marks in each column, you’ll be reminded that you are having fun and getting things done!

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