
You.Organized by Peter Walsh

By |Announcements, Blog|

You may recall that last year I reviewed Peter Walsh's line of paper organizing products—the [IN]PLACE® SYSTEM system from Office Max. Well...good news, Peter is at it again! Right now Peter is launching his newest collection called [...]

This week…

By |Announcements, Blog|

Happy Monday morning to you! I hope you had a terrific weekend. It was a great spring weekend here—I went on my first bike ride of the year, planted flowers, and did a bit of organzing. [...]

Bucket Sighting

By |Announcements, Blog|

Please read using your most serious reporter's voice. This just in. Oval holiday buckets were spotted today at a Target Dollar Spot. According to Danielle, a fellow bucket enthusiast "My Target brought the buckets back! I [...]

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