
Two Weeks …

By |Blog, Challenges|

that's right ... just two weeks left in the twelve week challenge. How's everyone doing? We're good on the chore front ... still have the last bit to finish up with the non-daily chores and making [...]

Making progress…

By |Blog, Challenges|

... on my 12 week challenge. The good thing about this heatwave, (maybe the only good thing about this heatwave) is having a great excuse to stay inside and do some creative organizing projects, don't you [...]


By |Blog, Challenges|

So I did it! They're gone, gone, GONE! Saturday night I went through my college textbooks and class notes and had a major purge fest. Whew! It felt good. I needed something that I could get [...]

Update on my 12 Week Goals

By |Blog, Challenges|

College text books. While there's no visible sign of progress there has been tremendous progress mentally. I am becoming very comfortable with the idea of being college textbook-free. The undergraduate ones, especially, should be a piece [...]

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