Weekend Organizing

Happy Friday!

By |Blog, Weekend Organizing|

Hello friends! I'm doing a short and sweet version of a Finish It Friday post today...as my to-do list is calling to me (very loudly) with all sorts of business to-dos today. So here's my short [...]

Monday Check In

By |Blog, Weekend Organizing|

Happy Monday morning! How was your weekend? Here’s a quick update on mine… Fun Boot camp. Ouch! Errr….I mean check! Basketball game. Check! Very exciting game, but we lost by 2. Set December fitness goal. I’m [...]

Hello Friday…

By |Blog, Weekend Organizing|

Are you back again already? Indeed you are…as hard to believe as it is. Around here it’s been a busy week. We are working like crazy on some exciting projects, but those are leaving little time for [...]

Happy Monday!

By |Blog, Weekend Organizing|

Happy Monday to you. I hope you had a really nice weekend. Ours wasn't normal for Thanksgiving weekend...but it was okay, kind of quiet and slow. I didn't mention this on Friday (it seems I was [...]

Finish It Friday

By |Blog, Weekend Organizing|

Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Day (for those of you who celebrate it.) Are you ready to get some stuff done this weekend? Here’s my weekend to-do list (or at least the [...]

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