What’s on Your Weekend To-Do List?
Happy Friday my friends! I hope you had a fantastic week, and that you have your sights set on a fun and fabulously productive weekend. I’ve got busy one planned and I’m really looking forward to [...]
Happy Friday my friends! I hope you had a fantastic week, and that you have your sights set on a fun and fabulously productive weekend. I’ve got busy one planned and I’m really looking forward to [...]
I hope you had a great weekend—one that was filled with lots of fun and relaxation, plus a bit of getting things done. Here's my update on my Finish It Friday list: Play List Boot camp! [...]
Woohoo – it’s Friday! It was a busy week around here. I feel like we aren’t quite in the groove of regular / non-holiday life yet, but we’re getting there. And I have big plans for [...]
Happy Monday morning my friends! I hope you had a terrific weekend, and a safe and happy new year celebration! Here's my Monday update... Play List: Boot camp. Check! New Year’s Eve celebration. Yes! Very relaxing. [...]
Well my friends, this is it—the last Friday of 2011! Do you have big plans for welcoming in the New Year? We’re going to celebrate at home with a nice dinner, crackling fire, and maybe a [...]
Happy Monday! My son calls today the lamest day of the year. In his eyes, everything pales when compared to Christmas. I'm in another camp. I welcome today with open arms. While I love the holiday [...]
Hello my friends! It’s the last Friday (and the final Finish It Friday) before Christmas! Is everyone in good shape with their holiday preparations? What else is on your to-do list this weekend? Around here this [...]
Happy Monday morning my friends. I hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for sharing your to-do lists on Friday. My Mom, sister and I had a great time on Friday...lots of stuff got done and [...]
Okay, that was sort of a trick question...because I'm not. ;) My Mom and sister are here for a super-speedy, spontaneous visit, so today my focus is on spending the day with them. We'll be doing [...]
So one thing that wasn’t on my to-do list this past weekend was to get sick…but that’s exactly what I did early yesterday morning. So I spent the entire day in bed and that’s why there [...]