Get Organized for Summer: Free Printables
This is the third post in our series on getting organized for the summer. To read the first two posts go here and here. Create a Vision My last post in our Get Organized for the [...]
This is the third post in our series on getting organized for the summer. To read the first two posts go here and here. Create a Vision My last post in our Get Organized for the [...]
A big thank you to everyone who posted questions about getting organized for the summer! It was fun to read your questions and hear about your summer challenges. I’ll be answering some of the specific questions [...]
Summer is coming! We’ve definitely been talking about it here at work as this will be my first summer working at simplify 101. Between Aby and Jay’s two kids and my two kids, there are a [...]
July was our big “send the kids to camp month.” All of us were first-timers for overnight camps, so the whole experience was new for us. But it went great—both kids had a blast and loved [...]
In my June checklist post, I mentioned the idea of creating a summer outings survival kit. If this is on your to-do list, here are some ideas to jump start this project. First, think about the [...]
I'm continuing today with the theme of getting organized for summer and with the theme of creating mini zones. If you have travel plans in the months ahead, a travel mini zone will help reduce the [...]
As I mentioned in my prior post, summer is just around the corner. While there are other times of the year that we typically associate with getting organized, summer is one of my favorite times of year [...]
...and get organized for fall. This is the topic of my July newsletter (which I'll be sending out later today!) It's hard to believe it, but where I live, there are just four weeks left until [...]