Simplify 101 accepts PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. If you have another credit card type that we don’t accept directly, then please choose our PayPal option. PayPal accepts a large number of credit card types. You are not required to create a PayPal account to make a payment within their system.

Each lesson includes specific action steps you can take to move forward on your organizing projects. One of our favorite sayings is action creates change. Online classes make it simple to take action and create change in your home and life.

If you’re like us, shopping for containers and other organizing products is a big part of the fun of getting organized! The natural temptation is to buy the products at the start of the project thinking the containers hold the key to getting organized. Often though, shopping before organizing can lead to buying products that aren’t needed or are the wrong size or function. It’s best to declutter and organize first, and shop for containers second.

There’s no need to purchase products before starting a class. If items are needed for your project, you’ll get great info for selecting the best products via the class materials.

No. The only possible additional fees would be for any purchases you decide to make for your organizing projects. A variety of storage options are discussed in each class, and we also encourage use-what-you-have organizing. Often people have on hand the containers and storage systems needed to get organized. Any purchases you make as a result of taking a class are optional and are in no way a requirement.

Sure! All of our online classes come with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. If you join a class and decide it’s not for you, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will issue you a full refund.

Most definitely! Online organizing classes have several advantages over other methods of getting organized. For one, the information is delivered in bite-sized pieces, and each lesson includes specific action steps. As soon as you follow any of the action steps, you’ll be on your way to a more organized home and life!

Each class is different, but as a general rule of thumb, you should count on spending forty-five minutes to an hour reading or listening to each new lesson’s materials. How much time you spend taking action will vary. The time you invest during the class is completely up to you—but the more time you allocate, the more you’ll accomplish.

Absolutely! Everyone is invited to participate in our classes! All materials are in English—so as long as you can read and understand English, you’re good to go and welcome to participate!

No doubt there are some amazing organizing resources out there. Checking out Pinterest and other organizing blogs are some of our favorite pastimes! We have spent more hours pinning organizing content than we care to admit. If you are already a very organized person or organizing comes easily for you, this might be all you need.

However, if you want to learn how to get and stay organized in a way that works for you, it’s going to take countless hours of digging through blogs and photos to compile ideas to try. That can be incredibly time consuming and overwhelming—if you are already overwhelmed by disorganization or clutter! Then, if the solution you come up with isn’t the right solution for you, the results won’t be lasting, and you’ll be left feeling discouraged.

With simplify 101’s online classes, you can:

  • Access our community forum and get personal responses if you have questions, stall, or get stuck.
  • Give and get motivation and encouragement from the community.
  • Implement customized solutions. Our classes don’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution, but instead gives you tools to figure out what will work best for you.
  • Access class materials that match your personal learning style.
  • Get instruction, not just information, so you can immediately begin seeing results.

A good place to start is with the area that is causing you the most stress or anxiety. What’s nagging at you? Is it the pile of paper and bills on your kitchen table? Is it your car that hasn’t fit in your garage for over a year? Is it your hall closet that’s a hazard to open? Work on this area for a short amount of time. We recommend setting a timer for fifteen minutes and decluttering until the timer dings. Don’t over-think where to start…just get started doing something, anything that feels right to you. As you start to take action you’ll feel more and more motivated, and the next best steps to take will become clearer and clearer.

If you need assistance choosing a class, we’d be happy to help. Simply contact us here.

Our online classes provide students the opportunity to learn in the comfort of their homes, at whatever time of day fits the student’s schedule. When you purchase an online class, you gain access to a private area of the simplify 101 website. This private area is where you access all the lesson materials. Lesson materials are provided in a variety of formats:  lesson material can be read and listened to while online and connected to the internet, or you can download your class materials and use them on your computer or mobile device. You choose the best method(s) for you!

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