Today is the last day of summer break. (!) Yes. I’m pretty excited. It was fun while it lasted, but then it got hot, dry and not so fun. So alas, on to something new. School!

We’ve been getting ready…school supplies, lunch boxes, and backpacks have all been purchased. Both kids have freshly cut hair. Just a few things left to finish up…new shoes for Collin, empty three-ring binders for this year’s artwork and papers, and putting the finishing touches on their bedrooms (my Dad came to visit this weekend…so no new progress on that front…but I did make a new Crock Pot recipe thanks to all of your great ideas!)

So while out school supply shopping, I stumbled upon the composition books. You know, the black swirly ones that go for 50 cents a pop this time of year? I picked up two, not really sure what I’d do with them (but at a buck total, it was worth the risk if I didn’t come up with something.) So the little books sat there…just waiting for me to come up with something…and then it hit me. I’ve been wanting to do a shared journal with my kids for a really long time, so why not now? While this may seem crazy, with school and homework starting and all, but it also coincides with a new rule in our home. This new rule is destined to free up a bunch of time for one eight year old boy that calls our house home: no video games during the week! So our shared journal will be a really fun way to fill some of that spare time. At least I think so. We’ll see what he thinks.

So here are the journals. One for Collin:


And the inside:


The paper and “i love you” tile is from KI Memories and the letter stickers and rub-ons are from American Crafts. (The letter stickers on the front are the new, vinyl sticker letters from American Crafts. So fun!)

And here’s Kailea’s:


Kailea helped me make hers. She picked out all the paper for the inside and outside (from Stemma). The inside doesn’t match, but she told me it doesn’t matter if it matches, as long as we like it. (I always learn something important when I make things with my kids.)

The plan is that we’ll take turns writing in the journals. When I finish writing in one of their journals, I’ll put it on their bed. Then they write something in it for me, and when they’re finished, they leave it on my bed. And back and forth it will go.

It’ll be fun to see how their writing changes throughout the year. Collin is learning cursive and Kailea will be polishing up her printing skills. I think it will be fun to ask them questions about their day at school, their teacher, friends, and things like that. And if they want they can draw pictures or tell me what they want for their birthday or Christmas. It’ll also be a place to tell them when they make my proud or to thank them for little things like making their bed, and stuff like that.

I’m super excited. I have my first entry done and will go “hide” the journals on their bed soon! Can’t wait to see where this leads us. I figure it will take me maybe ten minutes a day…if both kids get theirs back to me every day (which isn’t terribly likely.) But worst case scenario, ten minutes a day to focus solely on writing notes to my kiddos. A good investment indeed.