Day 5

Coaching call

Me on a coaching call. Hi, Carolyn. 🙂

Making fried rice

Making fried rice.

Fried rice



The verdict. (Jay and I loved this, by the way. Pickles aside, I’m a decent cook and I love to do it.)

Day 6

Making lunch

making lunch. (There seems to be a theme…lots of food photos!)

Lens cap

Spent some time look for *that* this past week.

Walking the dog

Seriously. This is the view on walks. Not so pleasant, is it?

Day 7


Guess where I was on Friday?


I go here a lot…just the *other* side of the building. 🙂

So I’ll wrap this up with Friday’s quote of the day, referring to the week-in-the-life challenge:

“This ends at midnight, right?”

Will share some pages when I put them together…but it won’t be for several weeks. I have some other projects I need to focus on in the upcoming weeks, but I’m soooooo glad I did this. It’s really odd this week not taking pictures of everything, especially the food. What is it with me and the food?

Anyone else finish this up last week? What did you think? Missing it this week?