Hello friends! I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving Day (for those of you who celebrate it.) Are you ready to get some stuff done this weekend? Here’s my weekend to-do list (or at least the parts I’ve figured out so far.)
- Run. I need to run at least four miles before Monday.
- Knit.
- Black Friday shopping online. I’m not a big fan of crowds, in fact, I try to avoid them at all costs (or potential savings.) So getting deals while sitting on the couch all alone…really appeals to me. 🙂
- Holiday planning. Now that Thanksgiving is under our belt, it’s time to turn my attention to the next two “holidays” — Kailea’s birthday and Christmas.
- Work on a simplify 101 project. The goal is to make four hours of progress.
I don’t have much planned for the weekend, so I’ll fill in the blanks from here. What’s on your to-do list this weekend? Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
I wasn’t sure if there would be a “Finish It Friday” this week, so I was very pleased to see your post Aby. I hope you’re doing well this holiday weekend. I’m sure it’s bittersweet since your dad’s passing.
I feel like I’ve got too much on my plate as we head into the Christmas season, but I’m trying to stay focused on what really matters. Simplify 101 plays a huge part in that effort!
Here’s my list for this weekend:
*Spend time with family
*Take a walk outdoors at least 2x
*Start Christmas shopping. For the first time ever we went out on Thanksgiving night (at the urging of our children) and managed to grab a couple of good bargains. Any other shopping this weekend will be done online.
*Get Christmas planning notebook in order
*Pay bills
*Design Christmas card & place order
*Plan/prep for Bible class
*Plan for next week, which includes a shopping trip with my Mom and an overnight stay in a hotel
*Sort through some paperwork
Have a great weekend everyone 🙂
* read
* play some games
* work on Project Life
* watch a movie
* go for a walk
* try to hook up with a friend for a visit
* finish decorating house
* clean up after decorating
* Laundry
* menu plan
* workout two times
* vacuum upstairs
yesterday went by so fast I missed this! My weekend is unplanned as our original plans have gone out the window due to illness. so off the top of my head:
more done:
– bake mincepies for tea party
– start to edit through the paper mountain that has grown in my dining room
– do a little more towards creating my craft space
more fun:
– take little one to gym class instead of sick hubby
– tea party with local mums for our babies turning one and their second christmas
– work on my december daily album
and in fact I’ve already done the first item on each list so off to a great start.
Hi, Lycia,
Thanks so much for your thoughts about my Dad. Thanksgiving was definitely bittersweet. Kailea and I missed out on the family get together at Jay’s parent’s because she was sick…but I was actually a bit relieved to be able to have a quiet evening. Jay brought us home dinner…and the four of us ate together. It was really a nice way to spend this first Thanksgiving without my Dad. The holidays definitely add a new level of “realness” to his being gone.
Thanks for thinking of me. 🙂
~ Aby