Did anyone happen to read the spectacular spring cleaning article in the April issue of Martha Stewart Living? It’s so good. Seriously, I struggle with being motivated for spring cleaning. In the past, I eased my guilt by telling myself that “spring cleaning” is a throwback to the time when homes were closed up tight and heated by burning coal and wood. It was important to clean the dust and soot from homes, to give everything a good scrubbing. I preferred to think that level of deep cleaning was simply antiquated.
But when I read the intro paragraph for Spring Cleaning 360°, it hooked me. “As nature comes alive and beautifies what you see outdoors, don’t be surprised if you’re inspired to roll up your sleeves and get your house top-to-bottom clean,” the article states. “You want the inside to reflect the shiny, happy rejuvenation you see through the windows.”
Yes! Yes!! I want that “happy rejuvenation!” I don’t know why I’ve not considered this perspective before, but it definitely speaks to me. Even better is that the intro ends with encouragement to spend a morning or afternoon cleaning, and then getting outside to enjoy the sunshine. I appreciate that, because I have a hard time wanting to stay in and clean when it’s finally nice enough to get out! I need the reminder that it’s not an either/or proposition.
There are plenty of great spring cleaning tips floating about, including many that Aby has given both here and through Better Homes and Gardens. But, is there such a thing as too many great cleaning tips? I don’t think so, anyway.
In the living room, I learned something brand new. You can use a cheap paintbrush to dust light bulbs, which can actually make the room brighter. (Should I be embarrassed? Somebody tell me I’m not the only person who didn’t know to do this!) I also appreciated the reminder to take books off their shelves, not only to dust them but also to purge some!
![Get Motivated + Get Tips for 360° of Spring Cleaning Get Motivated + Get Tips for 360° of Spring Cleaning](https://simplify101.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/MLD110961-SpringCleaning-livingroom-175.jpg)
Photo by Annie Schlechter, courtesy Martha Stewart Living
And in each area of the home, the article offers a “Speedy Three” for some quick tips to clean and freshen the space when there isn’t time for a deeper clean. For example, you can give your living room “The Speedy Three” by generally putting away random things and straightening up, dusting furniture, then plumping and arranging pillows.
You can get more of Spring Cleaning 360° online, but I do recommend picking up the magazine (on stands through April 20) for the full article. For anyone struggling with spring cleaning motivation, I hope it inspires you as much as it did me!
Happy Spring!
Well I never had thought to use a tooth brush, but that would speed up the process with the lights that have glass globes. Connie