Wow, it’s Friday again! I hope you had a terrific week. It’s time for the weekly tradition known as Finish It Friday where we share what’s on our weekend to-do lists. We start off with our play list — things we’ll do for fun this weekend so we remember to take the time for fun, and celebrate the good stuff in our weekends. Next, comes the “to finish” list…and list of things we’re planning to get done this weekend! If you’re new to the blog or you’ve never participated before, I invite you to join us this weekend! You really will have more fun…and get more done.
Play List
- Movie night with friends.
- Boot Camp. I’m really happy to be doing this on Saturday morning this week…and not on Thursday night.
- Attend Tae Kwon Do tournament.
- Take photos. Photography class homework.
To Finish
(Hmmm…my to-finish list looks a lot like last weekend’s list!)
- Finish spring clean-out in my daughter’s room. (It’s ba-ack. Again.)
- Start + finish laundry.
- Plan weekly meals + make grocery list.
- Clean. Regular weekly cleaning and make some progress on spring cleaning list.
- More summer planning.
- Make eye doctor appointment.
- Maybe plant some flowers. (If the above gets done AND it’s nice this weekend.)
What’s on your list this weekend? I look forward to hearing from you. Have a terrific Friday…and enjoy the rest of your weekend, too! See you back here on Monday.
Hi Aby!! I miss our classroom… : )
So thought I’d come here for Finish It Friday, to help keep my momentum from class going! For Fun this weekend: I want to take my youngest to an American Revolutionary War re-enactment. Sounds weird, but they did a big unit a couple months ago about the war, and this would be pretty cool for her to see (and mom wouldn’t mind seeing it too). Hubs comes home finally, so we’ll have a date night Saturday.
To Do/Finish: I have to remake my hat for the KY Derby. I would like to start planning the garden/planting list. Laundry – gonna be lots to do with hubby home. Find a storage spot for the girls’ artwork that is now home. Keep running!
PROM is tonite for my oldest… gotta go decorate this morning! All in all, a fun weekend!! Have a great one!
Hi, Mary,
It’s great to see you here for Finish It Friday – I miss our classroom / seeing you online, too!
Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned….
Have a great one!
It’s all fun for me this weekend. It’s our one year wedding anniversary and we are going to New Orleans for the weekend!
1. Go to a really nice dinner. We plan on getting dressed up!
2. Eat beignets. Cafe Du Monde, to be exact.
3. Have a good Bloody Mary with breakfast (a must in NOLA!)
4. Go to the Aquarium!
5. Enjoy a fun and relaxing weekend with my husband!
6. Party on Bourbon Street!
I suppose I could have a Finish list because I will be tackling laundry when we get back. But it’s way more fun to have just a Play list!
I hope everyone has a great and productive weekend!
I think I usually put the “To-Do” list first, but Aby is absolutely right that for the weekend, the “Play” list needs to take priority
*date night with hubby
*baby shower
*family pizza night
*my dad’s bday
*take a walk outside
*decide on Ella Spring Training 2011
*call re: test results
*submit graduation article to newspaper
*wrap gifts for shower & bday party
*shop for Easter baskets
*lesson plans
*order Driver Ed materials
*bookkeeping (1 hr)
*finish laundry
*look over Bible class materials for Jamaica
Happy 1st Anniversary Cheryl. Enjoy your trip.
Pizza night-no cooking is always fun
Niece’s soccer game
To Do: Started early this morning – woohoo!
Wash – working on now
Ironing – did everything from last weekend and only have a few pieces for this week
Dishwasher – running now
Clean Stove/Microwave
Banking – Done
Library – Done
Pickup Presc. – Done
Plants – Picked up some, the rest is too early to get yet – Done
Thank you notes – need to make for a housewarming gift for next weekend
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Dottie
My main thing for this weekend is to rest and get over a nasty case of strep. The only “Must Do” is painting a coin toss booth for a band fund raiser. Of course, being ill doesn’t prevent me from making a list…
Honey Do:
* Catch up laundry
* Meal plan
* Grocery Store
* Keep kids alive for the weekend
I’ll be looking forward to a better Monday.
Clean upstairs bathrooms
Plan + shop for upcoming week of meals
Finish PTA work
Laundry – caught up, folded + put away
Clean kitchen, tidy up refrigerator
Friday night pizza + family movie
Soccer games
Little League game if the rain holds off for a change!
Library – drop off + pick up
Quick trip to the lego store
Dinner out Saturday night
Run 10 miles Sunday am
To Do List:
Windows in livingrooms
Menu Plan
Pay bills
Make a money decision
Go through magazine baskets
Cook bulk meats purchase
Play List:
Hockey game
Card making with Mom Saturday morning
Put layouts in at least ONE album
take the boys to the play